Mescaline consistently gives me a feeling of deep connectedness with the universe. This includes all living beings current and past, plants, rocks, the sky, literally
everything. The molecule has an intense push to it, apparently intending to inhabit every cell of my body, and by the end I feel as if I've been the recipient of a prolonged, sexual thrust by the universe. Mescaline does this for me even in low doses; your mileage may vary.
The hardest part of using cactus is the the variability inherent in using a plant - sometimes the mescaline is less than I'd hoped for and other elements are more prominent that makes for a harder body load. For me the body load is always somewhat of an issue.
I now recognize the connectedness feeling with LSD, though it isn't as prominent and doesn't have the near same relentless push of mescaline. I've never studied with aya, so can't comment on that, but someday! I encourage you to get a good dose of mescaline in you, it's good for the soul.
A scale is a wonderful thing. Everything else posted by CS is lunatic fiction.