| LOCKED Boom 2014 Drug Analysis Results ?
Started by off_tropic ,
| 24 replies 17,905 views | |
| LOCKED I wonder if wheatgrass has tryptamines in it.
Started by RhythmSpring
| 12 replies 8,695 views | |
| LOCKED Android /iOS Apps for Plant, Flower ID
Started by santaonacid
| 9 replies 5,944 views | |
| LOCKED Desmodium gangeticum
Started by Jox
| 4 replies 5,252 views | |
| LOCKED M. Pudica?
Started by Horizon_Bloom
| 3 replies 3,269 views | |
| LOCKED N N-Dimethyltryptamine identified in methanol leaf extract of Alternanthera bettzickiana
Started by Endurance
| 6 replies 4,193 views | |
| LOCKED ----
Started by Apochrahyll
| 12 replies 7,394 views | |
| LOCKED Plant extraction questions (non-actives)
Started by Kryptos
| 5 replies 3,109 views | |
| LOCKED RESULTS: Plant and Substance analysis
Started by endlessness
| 10 replies 13,842 views | |
| LOCKED Could this be a cross between Maidenii and Confusa??
Started by skyline97
| 1 replies 1,576 views | |
| LOCKED Ikea TLC viewing cabinet
Started by Poekus
| 10 replies 7,845 views | |
| LOCKED South African Acacia sp. identification
Started by hypnotoad
| 3 replies 4,411 views | |
| LOCKED Is this mimosa hostilis?
Started by skyline97
| 6 replies 8,564 views | |
| LOCKED Mush id
Started by MoHaN
| 7 replies 4,188 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia identification help
Started by DELETED_USER00002
| 9 replies 4,989 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia stenophylla (Shoestring Acacia), analysis???
Started by Alloklais
| 8 replies 6,328 views | |
| LOCKED LSD Testing on Altoids
Started by Paulo
| 6 replies 6,736 views | |
| LOCKED Oxalis tuberosa as MAOi?
Started by sauroman1
| 3 replies 2,647 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia jennerae/coonavitra wattle in progress
Started by caputo
| 1 replies 1,705 views | |
| LOCKED [LSA] Identification of florescent compound in HBWR seeds
Started by Innocent
| 0 replies 1,543 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia Identification help
Started by DMTPanda
| 2 replies 3,848 views | |
| LOCKED acacia longifolia
Started by kaaos
| 3 replies 4,150 views | |
| LOCKED Cell lysis with Rotor/Stator Homogenizer?
Started by Birimintingo
| 5 replies 4,291 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia Confusa, Differant end product colour
Started by PEZMAZ
| 6 replies 4,618 views | |
| LOCKED 'Synthetic' substances that turned out to be in nature. [list]
Started by FluffyClouds ,
| 28 replies 18,566 views | |