| LOCKED Acacia longifolia harvest
Started by calyx420
| 6 replies 3,941 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia Confsa Root Bark extract 1:10
Started by BBen
| 4 replies 2,595 views | |
| LOCKED rapid/in vivo salvinorin analysis?
Started by no_thing
| 6 replies 3,538 views | |
| LOCKED Help identify acacia confusa
Started by EsizBubbies
| 1 replies 1,573 views | |
| LOCKED How to identify Mimosa Hostilis or Acacia confusa??
Started by apophus ,
| 24 replies 25,968 views | |
| LOCKED my mescaline hcl
Started by MESCAGU
| 3 replies 2,159 views | |
| LOCKED syrian rue verses African rue?
Started by starway7
| 2 replies 2,028 views | |
| LOCKED Please help identify acacia? New Zealand
Started by Hecko
| 1 replies 1,329 views | |
| LOCKED "Shazam" app... but for identifying plants
Started by digitalvygr
| 4 replies 3,475 views | |
| LOCKED Mimosa tenuiflora / hostilis ID
Started by patreek
| 7 replies 3,306 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi care
Started by observe
| 5 replies 2,852 views | |
| LOCKED Goldthread / Jatrorrhizine Alkaloid - MAOI
Started by PsilocybeChild
| 0 replies 1,129 views | |
| LOCKED Acacia simplex extraction, dmt/nmt separation
Started by simplexus ,
| 24 replies 42,581 views | |
| LOCKED The alkaloids of Mitragyna with special reference to those of M. speciosa, Korth
Started by barabbas
| 0 replies 1,137 views | |
| LOCKED Phalaris pigments
Started by 0_o
| 3 replies 1,921 views | |
| LOCKED [Link]Chemistry of Convolvulaceae
Started by downwardsfromzero
| 0 replies 1,012 views | |
| LOCKED Tree yo
Started by Collyman
| 4 replies 2,729 views | |
| LOCKED Expanding plant testing methods and Harm Reduction - need your support!
Started by endlessness
| 4 replies 3,373 views | |
| LOCKED Alternanthera philoxeroides, an invasive weed, contains an interesting amide
Started by downwardsfromzero
| 2 replies 2,086 views | |
| LOCKED Spectrometer under 300$
Started by nimbus8 ,
| 39 replies 24,440 views | |
| LOCKED Mimosa hostilis seedling care
Started by observe
| 1 replies 1,680 views | |
| LOCKED Is it acceptable to do trip reports here ?
Started by Shamantube
| 1 replies 1,282 views | |
| LOCKED Coleus blumei
Started by santaonacid
| 17 replies 18,162 views | |
| LOCKED Silene identification
Started by Freezpirit
| 5 replies 2,755 views | |
| LOCKED is ayahuasca legal in country of morocco?
Started by enki - tiamat
| 5 replies 4,103 views | |