| LOCKED Entheogenic Markup Language
Started by EmptyHand
| 10 replies 3,390 views | |
| LOCKED Godel, Escher, Bach (and Hofstadter)
Started by Nathanial.Dread
| 4 replies 2,149 views | |
| LOCKED Involvement of NMDA receptors in the analgesic properties of psychotridine
Started by dreamer042
| 2 replies 1,395 views | |
| LOCKED The Higgs field, gravity and consciousness.
Started by olympus mon ... , ,
| 92 replies 39,577 views | |
| LOCKED If you like 1500 frames per second, butterflies, and the amazon...
Started by DeDao
| 1 replies 1,040 views | |
| LOCKED Inner space: String theory & the universes' hidden dimensions - Yau Shing-Tung
Started by nen888 ,
| 32 replies 16,410 views | |
| LOCKED The Universe - Supernovae
Started by Dark_Star
| 0 replies 1,017 views | |
| LOCKED The Theory of Everything
Started by Lumos
| 0 replies 1,599 views | |
| LOCKED Free online classes (Yale, MIT, Stanford, ...)
Started by Shaolin
| 16 replies 7,706 views | |
| LOCKED Sound and the brain: just something to hopefully blow your mind
Started by embracethevoid
| 7 replies 3,707 views | |
| LOCKED The Science of Positive Thinking =D
Started by Lumos
| 0 replies 862 views | |
| LOCKED ElectroActive Polymers (EAPs). Simply amazing.
Started by SKA
| 0 replies 1,293 views | |
| LOCKED Atoms reach record temperature, colder than Absolute Zero
Started by Vodsel
| 13 replies 5,518 views | |
| LOCKED The Beauty of E8
Started by Global
| 7 replies 5,035 views | |
| LOCKED Registered for school, what can I do if I acheive a BS in biology?
Started by ntwhtyouknw
| 10 replies 3,675 views | |
| LOCKED Nanodrugs
Started by Ripheus23
| 4 replies 1,931 views | |
| LOCKED SETI....Why I think it's pointless.
Started by Solar Jetman ,
| 22 replies 8,505 views | |
| LOCKED Studies of Advanced Stages of Meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist and Vedic Traditions. I: A Comparis
Started by ○
| 3 replies 2,272 views | |
| LOCKED Nice IQ tests
Started by Ufostrahlen
| 0 replies 979 views | |
| LOCKED Making sense of the Limbic System
Started by corpus callosum
| 1 replies 1,500 views | |
| LOCKED Rainbow Cloud
Started by Aegle
| 16 replies 8,212 views | |
| LOCKED We're on to you, Agent Smith
Started by pau
| 17 replies 10,710 views | |
| LOCKED Scientists offer quantum theory of soul's existence
Started by DMT777
| 8 replies 4,616 views | |
| LOCKED Hallucinations
Started by RayTracer
| 2 replies 1,630 views | |
| LOCKED The 'see Ghosts Time Camera' a possibility? New findings.
Started by nen888
| 14 replies 5,287 views | |