| Announcement [Harmalas] MAOI Drug Interaction Disclaimer
Started by dreamer042
| 0 replies 14,137 views | |
| LOCKED off we go! first caapi brew.
Started by cosmicladybug
| 10 replies 4,731 views | |
| LOCKED a recomended diet for MAOI consumption
Started by greymatter
| 10 replies 11,708 views | |
| LOCKED Tribulus terrestris & Acacia Confusa
Started by maxzar100
| 15 replies 10,740 views | |
| LOCKED FB DMT in Banisteriopsis Brew + Sciatica
Started by ۩
| 5 replies 3,650 views | |
| LOCKED Don´t throw away your caapi after cooking!
Started by Garfield , ,
| 45 replies 29,563 views | |
| LOCKED Yet Another Caapi Only Recipe
Started by TheFly
| 4 replies 8,390 views | |
| LOCKED The Taste of Chaliponga and Stomach Effects
Started by Apoc ,
| 21 replies 17,242 views | |
| LOCKED Beneath the Gemstone Portal - Objects & Ayahuasca Vison
Started by obliguhl
| 1 replies 1,671 views | |
| LOCKED Inspiration for home ceremonies
Started by drishti
| 8 replies 5,369 views | |
| LOCKED Taking Mimosa/Rue for 1st time, excited/terrified, need help
Started by quantagy
| 11 replies 5,054 views | |
| LOCKED First cuppa golden pee.
Started by alzabo
| 2 replies 2,034 views | |
| LOCKED Temperature for Jurema?
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 3 replies 4,703 views | |
| LOCKED mimosa prep question (brew in progress)
Started by quantagy
| 4 replies 2,540 views | |
| LOCKED Wait...Caapi only brew?
Started by tobecomeone00
| 6 replies 5,887 views | |
| LOCKED 60 person Ayahusca ceremony report
Started by Rooftop
| 5 replies 3,338 views | |
| LOCKED good dose for spiritual/emotional/relationship healing
Started by biopsylo
| 7 replies 3,925 views | |
| LOCKED Storing Ayahuasca
Started by Apoc
| 12 replies 11,371 views | |
| LOCKED Skipping the insane first hours of Aya?
Started by moyshekapoyre
| 6 replies 3,266 views | |
| LOCKED A planet sized alien spacecraft slowly passing over my head
Started by Mindlusion
| 3 replies 2,621 views | |
| LOCKED Ayahuasca Day-time Experiences?
Started by jimbobjones
| 2 replies 4,222 views | |
| LOCKED Making a new batch - Suggestions?
Started by PureMan
| 7 replies 6,149 views | |
| LOCKED New Ayahuasca Song
Started by Global
| 3 replies 2,294 views | |
| LOCKED 50+ people for one ayahuascero...?
Started by Rooftop
| 3 replies 2,584 views | |
| LOCKED strange question
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 1 replies 1,513 views | |