| Announcement [Harmalas] MAOI Drug Interaction Disclaimer
Started by dreamer042
| 0 replies 14,133 views | |
| LOCKED Are multivitamin pills a problem ?
Started by omega-scar ,
| 25 replies 16,235 views | |
| LOCKED It's been a while
Started by TurbatusAnimus
| 0 replies 742 views | |
| LOCKED first ayahuasca brew questions
Started by spinCycle
| 7 replies 3,666 views | |
| LOCKED Vine/MHRB (vs) Rue Alks/MHRB
Started by ○
| 8 replies 3,483 views | |
| LOCKED Ayahuasca recipe
Started by sonatine
| 4 replies 16,615 views | |
| LOCKED a bad Set for healing work with Ayahuasca
Started by 3rdI
| 10 replies 3,522 views | |
| LOCKED True Chaliponga? Or just chacruna...
Started by zapped17
| 2 replies 2,611 views | |
| LOCKED Correct way to remove tannins from mimosa tea?
Started by behindthelight
| 6 replies 3,253 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi leaf ayahuasca
Started by joedirt
| 1 replies 1,504 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi-only brew, some questions
Started by nexalizer
| 5 replies 3,705 views | |
| LOCKED Pinus aristata needles as an additive
Started by maxzar100
| 9 replies 4,824 views | |
| LOCKED Lemon Juice, White vinegar or nothing!
Started by Anenergyhealer
| 6 replies 9,951 views | |
| LOCKED Mimohuasca + Dream Herb question
Started by Strangeling
| 4 replies 3,241 views | |
| LOCKED Potential Ayahuasca Brewing Tek
Started by un-known-ome
| 7 replies 4,614 views | |
| LOCKED Chacruna and general plant cooking question
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 0 replies 1,604 views | |
| LOCKED What Exactly is MAO Inhibition?
Started by Apoc
| 9 replies 4,696 views | |
| LOCKED Mixing Rue extracts into a (way too light-heavy) Cielo vine and chali brew
Started by jdubs
| 11 replies 5,355 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi experiments
Started by Space
| 6 replies 2,871 views | |
| LOCKED ICEERS Press Release - Ayahuasca & Mental Health in PLOS ONE
Started by Vodsel
| 3 replies 1,957 views | |
| LOCKED 2012~8th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference
Started by shoemaker
| 5 replies 3,645 views | |
| LOCKED Am I ready for aya?
Started by somethingsintheway
| 14 replies 8,099 views | |
| LOCKED best aya recipe?
Started by hypnotoad
| 3 replies 3,058 views | |
| LOCKED Freezing and unfreezing does MHRB lose potency?
Started by Strangeling
| 1 replies 1,769 views | |
| LOCKED pic's of making traditional brew in Peru.
Started by olympus mon ,
| 25 replies 9,677 views | |