| Announcement [Harmalas] MAOI Drug Interaction Disclaimer
Started by dreamer042
| 0 replies 9,694 views | |
 | LOCKED Old extract, still good?
Started by Gone-and-Back
| 17 replies 7,816 views | |
 | LOCKED Very Negative Reaction to Rue HCL at Moderate Dose
Started by GreatBlueChocobo
| 9 replies 3,499 views | |
 | LOCKED How to convert Harmalas HCL to Freebase?
Started by General Gypsy
| 6 replies 3,153 views | |
 | LOCKED caapi leaf tea for depression questions
Started by realmsundiscovered ,
| 31 replies 17,469 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmalas for depression?
Started by DMTripper
| 8 replies 5,036 views | |
 | LOCKED Wild Carrot RIMA
Started by PsilocybeChild
| 3 replies 2,615 views | |
 | LOCKED Tribulus Terrestris as a RIMA
Started by Hyperspace Fool ,
| 24 replies 15,564 views | |
 | LOCKED Black Caapi Extraction Problems...
Started by joedirt
| 8 replies 4,816 views | |
 | LOCKED B. Muricata extraction.
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 0 replies 1,056 views | |
 | LOCKED Questions regarding caapi extraction
Started by Gone-and-Back
| 6 replies 2,670 views | |
 | LOCKED In your opinion, which caapi variety delivered the best experience?
Started by sbarret77
| 6 replies 4,004 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmalas and my sanity - a question for other harmala users
Started by Pup Tentacle
| 17 replies 8,968 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmala Build up!
Started by DeDao
| 7 replies 3,876 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmala Question
Started by Legit
| 6 replies 2,748 views | |
 | LOCKED extraction of alicia vine (mislabeled as black Banisteriopsis caapi)
Started by ipumaestro ,
| 27 replies 16,195 views | |
 | LOCKED A welcoming home to Caapi
Started by DeDao
| 5 replies 2,349 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmala Diet!
Started by DeDao
| 6 replies 3,176 views | |
 | LOCKED Olive Leaf Extract as an MAO-B inhibitor?
Started by Jamm ,
| 20 replies 20,983 views | |
 | LOCKED Running into a little trouble in hybrid caapi extraction
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 0 replies 1,023 views | |
 | LOCKED Acetone Manske rue crude extract clean up ?
Started by realmsundiscovered
| 0 replies 1,227 views | |
 | LOCKED A nice cuppa caapi in the morning?
Started by embracethevoid ,
| 25 replies 13,217 views | |
 | LOCKED B. Caapi Liquid Extract dosage?
Started by spanda
| 7 replies 13,088 views | |
 | LOCKED 4x or tea from leaves?
Started by The Electric Hippy
| 2 replies 1,563 views | |
 | LOCKED Ayahuasca Diet (Entheogen Diet)
Started by 'Coatl ,
| 24 replies 34,949 views | |