| LOCKED Is this mimosa diseased?
Started by Icon
| 18 replies 15,143 views | |
| LOCKED Psychotria ID Please
Started by Continuum
| 4 replies 2,751 views | |
| LOCKED Growing morning glory
Started by Infinite I
| 10 replies 8,153 views | |
| LOCKED Viridis rooting in only water?
Started by anonenium
| 7 replies 5,759 views | |
| LOCKED My chacruna plant
Started by BundleflowerPower
| 15 replies 9,752 views | |
| LOCKED What age is acceptable or safe ??
Started by Earthwalker
| 8 replies 5,138 views | |
| LOCKED My Psychotria are no longer babies...Now they're crawling.
Started by Macre
| 7 replies 4,383 views | |
| LOCKED Can B Caapi become invasive?
Started by BundleflowerPower
| 4 replies 3,370 views | |
| LOCKED Grafting Humulus Lupulus to Cannabis
Started by Chimp Z
| 2 replies 3,101 views | |
| LOCKED Phalaris Brachystachys tougher than expected. Seeds survive for months in water
Started by Intezam
| 0 replies 2,217 views | |
| LOCKED Growing under LED
Started by --Shadow
| 11 replies 6,115 views | |
| LOCKED Ginkgo Biloba tree
Started by Gone-and-Back
| 8 replies 5,706 views | |
| LOCKED Calea ternifolia (syn zacatechichi) cuttings
Started by Ufostrahlen
| 3 replies 3,044 views | |
| LOCKED Red pigment in Acacia phyllodes
Started by TheAwakening
| 9 replies 6,529 views | |
| LOCKED Tabernaemontana Undulata, got any cultivation experience to share?
Started by ManicMongrel
| 1 replies 1,827 views | |
| LOCKED The AquaSprouts Garden
Started by --Shadow
| 0 replies 1,386 views | |
| LOCKED "Psychotria 'NN' from seed (Psychotria horizontalis)
Started by rahlii
| 13 replies 11,836 views | |
| LOCKED HELP! Bugs are getting out of control
Started by --Shadow
| 13 replies 6,323 views | |
| LOCKED HELP! Phalaris AQ1 growth problems.
Started by dopeys13
| 7 replies 4,698 views | |
| LOCKED Concentration of dmt in young roots
Started by intosamadhi
| 0 replies 1,322 views | |
| LOCKED The strongest mimosas and how to be self sufficient
Started by iracema
| 9 replies 6,435 views | |
| LOCKED Anyone have any luck growing celastrus paniculatus?
Started by slewb
| 6 replies 5,499 views | |
| LOCKED First time germinating/growing Mimosa Hostilis from seed, please help! :)
Started by Nathaniel
| 5 replies 4,893 views | |
| LOCKED Inspiration
Started by kerelsk
| 10 replies 7,539 views | |
| LOCKED garden garden, plants plants. :)
Started by Shadowman-x
| 9 replies 5,880 views | |