| LOCKED HBWR queustions
Started by BundleflowerPower
| 14 replies 9,574 views | |
| LOCKED B Caapi in a sandy medium
Started by Opiyum
| 8 replies 5,882 views | |
| LOCKED P. Viridis leaf cuttings- browning tips
Started by skoobysnax
| 16 replies 10,461 views | |
| LOCKED Having trouble with identifying this one..
Started by DimeTryp
| 6 replies 5,148 views | |
| LOCKED My little journey to Taiga, plus some plants.
Started by BioBoostedSpirit
| 3 replies 2,972 views | |
| LOCKED scaly blight on young san pedro. Fungus?
Started by skoobysnax
| 8 replies 6,515 views | |
| LOCKED List of psychoactive/medicine plants for each zone?
Started by smoothmonkey
| 3 replies 4,905 views | |
| LOCKED Little eggs or something on salvia cuttings
Started by slewb
| 4 replies 3,100 views | |
| LOCKED Transplanting Morning Glory seedlings?
Started by ॐ
| 10 replies 10,072 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi propagation for use of leaves as medicine/tonic
Started by Dimitrius
| 5 replies 4,528 views | |
| LOCKED Cold hardyness of various plants
Started by BundleflowerPower
| 2 replies 2,482 views | |
| LOCKED San pedro baby turned white, is it dead?
Started by skoobysnax
| 5 replies 3,911 views | |
| LOCKED simple grows
Started by kaaos
| 8 replies 6,676 views | |
| LOCKED Morning Glory seed pods
Started by kubizm
| 2 replies 2,466 views | |
| LOCKED When seedlings still have their hats on.
Started by Koornut
| 14 replies 8,632 views | |
| LOCKED Desmanthus leptolobus viable as DMT source?
Started by amor_fati
| 7 replies 17,694 views | |
| LOCKED My poor Acacia Acuminata
Started by Strigiform
| 7 replies 5,882 views | |
| LOCKED Fast growing DMT containing plants?
Started by joedirt
| 8 replies 14,614 views | |
| LOCKED Ayahuasca Vine Varieties Grow
Started by Enlightened_One
| 4 replies 3,447 views | |
| LOCKED A Floribunda phyllodes open and close after watering?
Started by kubizm
| 1 replies 1,692 views | |
| LOCKED 2year old mimosa in shock
Started by skoobysnax
| 6 replies 4,323 views | |
| LOCKED growing syrian rue from seeds
Started by dragonnexus ,
| 21 replies 31,052 views | |
| LOCKED what's going on here? (trichocereus pachanoi with growths)
Started by entheogenic-gnosis
| 9 replies 6,706 views | |
| LOCKED Planning a Desert Garden
Started by Beelzebozo
| 6 replies 3,797 views | |
| LOCKED LowHP's Garden Log
Started by LowHP
| 0 replies 1,331 views | |