| LOCKED The Goddess
Started by Pixx
| 6 replies 13,262 views | |
| LOCKED SWIM and this place
Started by thedudenj
| 9 replies 3,635 views | |
| LOCKED Touched by the goo
Started by shoe
| 3 replies 1,785 views | |
| LOCKED "Other alkaloids" confusion.
Started by soulfood
| 14 replies 5,182 views | |
| LOCKED Total Mind F**k
Started by today ,
| 21 replies 7,966 views | |
| LOCKED Has SWIM ever felt.....
Started by drainlife20
| 4 replies 2,023 views | |
| LOCKED Any insight into DMT/Qabalah connection?
Started by Psychodelirium
| 4 replies 2,857 views | |
| LOCKED DUI in hyperspace?
Started by mugwump77
| 15 replies 6,543 views | |
| LOCKED Curse of the DMT king
Started by dread
| 5 replies 3,602 views | |
| LOCKED Forgive us our InneroOuterMagick
Started by shoe
| 4 replies 2,223 views | |
| LOCKED Annoying entity.
Started by soulfood
| 8 replies 4,053 views | |
Started by antrocles
| 2 replies 1,878 views | |
| LOCKED Oral harmala alkaloids, vaporized DMT freebase
Started by prey
| 11 replies 8,809 views | |
| LOCKED good god
Started by maotsetung ,
| 20 replies 8,175 views | |
| LOCKED Cant remember.....
Started by soulman ,
| 25 replies 9,326 views | |
| LOCKED Last Nights Journey
Started by ComaProphet
| 3 replies 1,936 views | |
| LOCKED MUSIC and spice.....and i'm not talking about the spice girls....
Started by antrocles ,
| 22 replies 12,338 views | |
| LOCKED Just had a fantastic trip in the bath
Started by shoe
| 13 replies 4,972 views | |
| LOCKED welcomed into the dmt temple, and some pics of what greeted me after the trip
Started by almostacontam
| 5 replies 3,731 views | |
| LOCKED THH + smoking spice = ?
Started by antrocles
| 15 replies 5,511 views | |
| LOCKED Seeing someone as a threat
Started by Nanaki
| 5 replies 2,504 views | |
| LOCKED Sugestions for evaporating the Spice
Started by Exarp
| 2 replies 1,630 views | |
| LOCKED Curious about other people experiences: Visuals, colours, gender and entities
Started by diamond
| 1 replies 1,358 views | |
| LOCKED Cut off?
Started by today
| 4 replies 2,227 views | |
| LOCKED I just cant seem to keep'em closed
Started by lowjackal
| 7 replies 3,225 views | |