Started by antrocles ,
| 36 replies 12,409 views | |
| LOCKED DMT has cured me...
Started by Nzym
| 10 replies 4,853 views | |
| LOCKED Dmt and Mushrooms
Started by Redguard
| 6 replies 31,645 views | |
| LOCKED Pharma tells me a story.
Started by soulfood
| 12 replies 4,334 views | |
| LOCKED a message for you all: the importance of intent
Started by shoe
| 13 replies 7,799 views | |
| LOCKED experience of the chakras?
Started by Dorge
| 9 replies 12,380 views | |
| LOCKED Who has seen Entities on DMT..and...
Started by obliguhl ... , ,
| 106 replies 40,594 views | |
| LOCKED Stuck?
Started by ichisan
| 6 replies 2,792 views | |
| LOCKED WATER is a conduit!
Started by antrocles
| 19 replies 8,791 views | |
| LOCKED physical things happening
Started by fuzzydunlop
| 2 replies 1,536 views | |
| LOCKED desperately trying to scare
Started by tolu
| 11 replies 3,567 views | |
| LOCKED First Halucinagenic Trip - DMT - Need To Talk
Started by ichisan ,
| 23 replies 9,124 views | |
| LOCKED DMT visuals seen through the third eye?
Started by positive_space
| 1 replies 4,430 views | |
Started by paradise136
| 7 replies 6,597 views | |
| LOCKED Simply incredible.
Started by wake and bacon
| 12 replies 4,235 views | |
| LOCKED Why do patheticaly low doses affect swim and his buddies so much
Started by Phlux- ,
| 35 replies 11,202 views | |
| LOCKED variations on a theme...
Started by breakMYhead
| 2 replies 1,346 views | |
| LOCKED Being ready for dmt physically - it helps!
Started by mad_banshee
| 6 replies 3,062 views | |
| LOCKED That didn't work a shit
Started by Infundibulum
| 8 replies 4,477 views | |
| LOCKED Havin a cloud come down to ya, almost within reach!
Started by mikial
| 1 replies 1,143 views | |
| LOCKED Solo sessions, Playin with mirrors, shape shifting!!!.
Started by mikial
| 12 replies 4,635 views | |
| LOCKED Dmt my teacher. Marijuana my helper.
Started by Darkbb
| 3 replies 2,427 views | |
| LOCKED Usefulness of DMT?
Started by halcyon ,
| 34 replies 10,383 views | |
| LOCKED Uh, Guys?
Started by Espiridion
| 16 replies 6,977 views | |
| LOCKED vomiting/purging from smoking
Started by Buster
| 15 replies 12,986 views | |