| LOCKED Reduction of Harmine and Harmaline to THH via Lithium
Started by narmz
| 5 replies 2,907 views | |
| LOCKED Supercritical Gas Extraction of Source Material?
Started by idtravlr
| 19 replies 9,888 views | |
| LOCKED Mixed solvents
Started by Dorge
| 2 replies 1,705 views | |
| LOCKED Soxhlet size/how much does it hold? How much does YOUR hold?
Started by eindreizig
| 9 replies 5,277 views | |
| LOCKED Solubility of Psilocybin/Psilocin in Water? (Lemon Tek)
Started by Swarupa
| 6 replies 23,174 views | |
| LOCKED Oleamide to Synergize 5-HT2A Agonists?
Started by Mydriasis
| 0 replies 1,084 views | |
| LOCKED Pressurized THP WIP
Started by amor_fati
| 8 replies 4,181 views | |
| LOCKED Practical home solvent distillaton?
Started by TheAppleCore ,
| 30 replies 15,847 views | |
| LOCKED How to dry 96% enthanol to 100%
Started by Garfield ,
| 30 replies 14,434 views | |
| LOCKED Why wont swims sodium carbonate dissolve?
Started by Mystic Cannibal
| 10 replies 7,337 views | |
| LOCKED Some Hexan crystals for comparison with my Naphta ones.
Started by CaptainFuture
| 3 replies 2,871 views | |
| LOCKED Important Boiling Points
Started by spaghettiman ,
| 30 replies 37,641 views | |
| LOCKED cleaning DCM w/o distilation.
Started by LandOfOz
| 8 replies 4,157 views | |
| LOCKED Refining DCM pulls with naphtha.
Started by soulfood
| 6 replies 3,338 views | |
| LOCKED Charcoal wash
Started by Shpongle
| 1 replies 1,502 views | |
| LOCKED vinegar--sodium carbonate--d-limonene--FASW w/pics
Started by biopsylo
| 9 replies 8,570 views | |
| LOCKED experiment:lye and acetone dry tek
Started by DiMiTriX
| 10 replies 8,054 views | |
| LOCKED Scary isolate. NOT dmt or "oxide/jungle/honey"
Started by LandOfOz
| 14 replies 6,335 views | |
| LOCKED Just some Naphta crystals
Started by CaptainFuture ,
| 30 replies 15,562 views | |
| LOCKED converting inactive harmala red crystals back to active harmine/harmaline
Started by lorax
| 18 replies 9,699 views | |
| LOCKED recristtallyzation with water/acetone mix
Started by DiMiTriX
| 3 replies 2,510 views | |
| LOCKED calcium hydroxide question
Started by blue halo
| 6 replies 2,797 views | |
| LOCKED Just an idea for an STB extraction using ammonia gas as a base.
Started by Mindlusion
| 5 replies 5,165 views | |
| LOCKED Continuous Solid-Liquid Home-made Extractor
Started by Trickster ,
| 20 replies 14,937 views | |
Started by soulfood
| 4 replies 2,573 views | |