| LOCKED Q21Q21's Teks using Vinegar + Lime
Started by q21q21 , ,
| 49 replies 72,658 views | |
| LOCKED Orange junk precipitating out from the solvent?
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 4 replies 2,679 views | |
| LOCKED VM&P Naphtha alternative?
Started by TheAppleCore ,
| 25 replies 34,835 views | |
| LOCKED first extraction yield pictures!
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 3 replies 2,605 views | |
| LOCKED Pulling Jungle after pulling White?
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 7 replies 3,717 views | |
| LOCKED Sunnyside naptha
Started by AluminumFoilRobots
| 9 replies 8,003 views | |
| LOCKED Large alteration to Q21Q21's tek to reduce solvent-loss - *Thanks Chronic*
Started by q21q21 ,
| 28 replies 17,919 views | |
| LOCKED Decent yield from shredded
Started by DoingKermit ,
| 37 replies 17,814 views | |
| LOCKED DMT-acetate reacted with Razorblade??
Started by Analogue
| 6 replies 3,103 views | |
| LOCKED acacia melanoxylon extraction report
Started by rechard.kid
| 4 replies 10,315 views | |
| LOCKED extraction to end all other extractions - reduction help needed
Started by bindu
| 1 replies 1,494 views | |
| LOCKED How long to boil bark?
Started by Dot5841
| 4 replies 4,894 views | |
| LOCKED acidified solution... how long will it keep?
Started by ozora
| 3 replies 2,113 views | |
| LOCKED proper zink oxide usage questions
Started by bindu
| 2 replies 1,969 views | |
| LOCKED Some questions on the DMT in solvent to xtal stages
Started by Tropical
| 3 replies 2,227 views | |
| LOCKED Poor yield
Started by DreadyMofo
| 2 replies 1,635 views | |
| LOCKED Blue-ish DMT
Started by wolvz
| 11 replies 5,640 views | |
| LOCKED recrystalisation problems
Started by DreadyMofo
| 8 replies 3,807 views | |
| LOCKED does sodium hydroxide expire/lose potency?
Started by Dreamwalker
| 2 replies 10,033 views | |
| LOCKED BLAB step 6c - conversion needed?
Started by q21q21
| 2 replies 1,753 views | |
| LOCKED q21's tek with chacruna?
Started by biopsylo
| 2 replies 2,429 views | |
| LOCKED Can we reduce or eliminate solvent loss in limeteks
Started by q21q21
| 17 replies 6,764 views | |
Started by modsquad09
| 6 replies 3,631 views | |
| LOCKED Confusa Extraction
Started by DoingKermit
| 18 replies 30,529 views | |
| LOCKED vinegar or hcl?
Started by I am.
| 2 replies 2,844 views | |