| LOCKED 4-aco-dmt Suppliers
Started by OpeningPandorasBox
| 4 replies 6,276 views | |
Started by biopsylo
| 1 replies 2,414 views | |
| LOCKED A low dose of nutmeg oil - much nicer than expected
Started by 69ron
| 17 replies 31,240 views | |
| LOCKED IS "Coca Leaf and Opium Poppy" Taboo/Not Allowed in this section of the Forum?
Started by plumsmooth ,
| 32 replies 13,063 views | |
| LOCKED Psychedelic Calamus & 69Ron's no nausea tech
Started by 69ron
| 14 replies 10,379 views | |
| LOCKED neurotoxicity of MDA vs. MDMA
Started by dragon-n
| 11 replies 23,057 views | |
| LOCKED Scullcap
Started by Crisp
| 17 replies 13,088 views | |
| LOCKED Tryptamine-Infused Herbal Blend :-/
Started by newdimensions
| 2 replies 2,595 views | |
| LOCKED Elemicin + Mescaline: Another 4 Star Combination
Started by 69ron
| 9 replies 7,787 views | |
| LOCKED MAOI effects of Rhodiola rosea
Started by Ginkgo
| 2 replies 8,423 views | |
| LOCKED Betel Nut
Started by PureMan
| 3 replies 4,661 views | |
| LOCKED Cannabis - A New View
Started by lyserge ,
| 23 replies 9,593 views | |
| LOCKED first time smoking cannabis after spice
Started by 88
| 5 replies 2,340 views | |
| LOCKED Activity of terpenes
Started by hummus
| 7 replies 9,281 views | |
| LOCKED Chamomile tea potentiates psychedelics?
Started by 69ron , ,
| 54 replies 42,429 views | |
| LOCKED Caapi / Lactusa Virosa - tea
Started by Gir
| 1 replies 1,180 views | |
| LOCKED Washing O-Acetylpsilocin fumarate
Started by Seven
| 4 replies 3,970 views | |
Started by delta-9
| 4 replies 3,936 views | |
| LOCKED Coleus Blumei? Please enlighten!
Started by Chalchiuhtlicue
| 5 replies 4,091 views | |
| LOCKED Transdermal Datura
Started by ThirdEyeVision
| 15 replies 13,581 views | |
| LOCKED 4-acetoxy-det experience
Started by epiphany_awakening
| 0 replies 1,078 views | |
| LOCKED JWH toxicity ?
Started by rOm
| 7 replies 4,904 views | |
| LOCKED Camellia sinensis
Started by freethinker
| 4 replies 2,338 views | |
Started by PureMan
| 18 replies 7,305 views | |
| LOCKED Virola resin
Started by Ginkgo
| 14 replies 6,146 views | |