| Announcement [Harmalas] MAOI Drug Interaction Disclaimer
Started by dreamer042
| 0 replies 9,656 views | |
 | Sticky Harmalas Extraction and Separation Guide
Started by endlessness ... , ,
| 87 replies 128,943 views | |
 | Sticky "Pectin" in peganum harmala seeds making extractions viscous?
Started by Crystalito ,
| 20 replies 30,998 views | |
 | Sticky Pictorial Guide to Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction
Started by gibran2 ... , ,
| 480 replies 408,811 views | |
 | Sticky MAOI half life
Started by jiva ,
| 30 replies 57,033 views | |
 | Sticky Acid vs. Non-Acid Brew Experiment: Comparison of Alkaloids Remaining in THP Brewed Caapi
Started by SnozzleBerry ,
| 28 replies 58,305 views | |
 | Sticky Caapi THP extraction comparison - Shredded vs Powdered
Started by Enoon ,
| 20 replies 45,086 views | |
 | Sticky 'harmala red' LC-MS analysis
Started by burnt
| 16 replies 30,068 views | |
 | LOCKED Coffee and Syrian Rue
Started by RhythmSpring
| 15 replies 6,645 views | |
 | LOCKED THH by itself and in combination
Started by triptaminedream
| 6 replies 1,796 views | |
 | LOCKED MAOI and SNDRI. Or Greek mountain tea and Syrian rue.
Started by murklan ,
| 20 replies 7,369 views | |
 | LOCKED Caapi and Propranolol (beta-blocker) interactions
Started by MuteUSO
| 2 replies 1,163 views | |
 | LOCKED 1g hamala from caapi tea experience
Started by modern
| 0 replies 683 views | |
 | LOCKED russian olive status ?
Started by Felnik ... , ,
| 205 replies 182,505 views | |
 | LOCKED Substitute for sodium and alcohol reaction?
Started by modern
| 12 replies 3,368 views | |
 | LOCKED An idea of an liquid extract, I need further tips.
Started by AwesomeUsername
| 7 replies 2,108 views | |
 | LOCKED Distilled caapi tea had no harmalas in distillate.
Started by modern
| 5 replies 2,031 views | |
 | LOCKED "Harmala" extraction from Capuri leaf !
Started by NamRa
| 5 replies 2,073 views | |
 | LOCKED Can Syrian Rue / harmala hcl make you hungry?
Started by psychonautt
| 5 replies 1,988 views | |
 | LOCKED How Do You Experience the Rue Spirit?
Started by brokedownpalace10
| 9 replies 3,174 views | |
 | LOCKED Benzodiazepines and Harmalas
Started by Jupiter Man
| 9 replies 4,091 views | |
 | LOCKED Tracking Harmala-Separation & THH purification with NMR
Started by Brennendes Wasser
| 14 replies 5,920 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmala extraction - unneccessary steps?
Started by Brennendes Wasser
| 13 replies 4,762 views | |
 | LOCKED Harmala body paint... add DMSO?
Started by Th3k1d93
| 3 replies 1,790 views | |
 | LOCKED Be careful with harmalas and cannabis combo, experience report
Started by AwesomeUsername
| 2 replies 1,392 views | |