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Your definition of crazy. Options
#1 Posted : 2/10/2010 5:57:45 AM
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I believe there is no such thing as 'crazy'. And if you think about it, you will realize it too... However, if you do have a definition of crazy, present it.


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#2 Posted : 2/10/2010 6:03:35 AM


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They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#3 Posted : 2/10/2010 6:23:35 AM

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for me - crazy is a brain that mailfunctions - not anything fun.
other than that - thank god im not normal.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

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#4 Posted : 2/10/2010 9:13:21 AM

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#5 Posted : 2/10/2010 9:27:44 AM

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To be crazy is to harm, both physical and psychological, other living beings without having your own life or the life of someone you love depend on it. Everything else is normal. To be unnormal is normal.
#6 Posted : 2/10/2010 9:40:25 AM


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To lose all ability to reason.
#7 Posted : 2/10/2010 10:30:53 AM


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sanity is a human condition from which we must all be cured.

edit; actually i'd like to elaborate. crazy is a word that describes an idea. the idea trying to be conveyed is the notion that one is unable to reconcile with reality as far as most people understand it. crazy is something often applied by someone other than the subject being described and therefore a word designed to separate and categorize.

people aren't crazy. their minds just tock instead of tick-tock. hmm. maybe autistics are the ones ticking. Smile
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#8 Posted : 2/10/2010 10:52:49 AM

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well yeah ideally I agree with all of you but.... if you really meet some schizophrenic people, you see that its not that simple, that there is something VERY different in them and that many times its not just that they think differently but its really hard for them to function at all in a more or less reasonable way, causing suffering for them and for others. But yeah some of them are victims of the psychiatric establishment and they could live fulfilling lifes without all the mind numbing medications they take.

In any case, my own personal definition of crazyness is: extremely unhealthy, unbalanced and/or unharmonious mental functioning. Its a bit vague but yeah, to me crazyness includes a LOT of so-called 'normal' people too, people who develop only one side of their minds while forgetting other aspects (like extremely intellectual and pathologically un-empathic un-emotional people), or people that are completely out of tune with the world (ecologically un-conscious people, etc), and so on.
#9 Posted : 2/11/2010 5:18:33 AM

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My definition of Craziness:

Thinking that your beliefs are the only valid ones.
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#10 Posted : 2/11/2010 5:32:39 AM
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I've met a few schizophrenics, I understand them... I don't understand how people think they are so different, but i guess people think I'm weird too.
#11 Posted : 2/11/2010 6:54:55 AM
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I was thinking about insanity a lot recently. I think the inability to compromise is what it comes down to for some.
#12 Posted : 2/11/2010 1:20:30 PM

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I'd say a crazy person does not share or cannot interact with the same reality that you and I reference to communicate with each each other.
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#13 Posted : 2/11/2010 1:56:48 PM

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"Crazy" is the inability to function in a social manner.

I'm sure many folk out there who have been branded crazy are capable of taking care of themselves and can evil hold down a job, but it's the one to one interaction with the rest of society that decides if someone's crazy.
#14 Posted : 2/11/2010 2:18:11 PM
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A Crazy person is a person without the ability to rationalize(Or lacking most) or preform simple tasks of the regular day, - because of mental disabillity. Someone isn't crazy just because there dumb or cold at heart, thats more less not taught well....shitty parents or just shitty person. But also there are different degrees of how crazy the person is, some crazy people can still have some sain thoughts, its just the majority of there thoughts aren't sain. In my view.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#15 Posted : 2/11/2010 4:56:03 PM

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Cheeto wrote:
A Crazy person is a person without the ability to rationalize(Or lacking most) or preform simple tasks of the regular day, - because of mental disabillity. Someone isn't crazy just because there dumb or cold at heart, thats more less not taught well....shitty parents or just shitty person. But also there are different degrees of how crazy the person is, some crazy people can still have some sain thoughts, its just the majority of there thoughts aren't sain. In my view.

But there's a lot of folk with mental disabilities that have their own way of rationalizing that can intergrate with the functioning minds of everyday folk. i.e. folk with downs have a mental disability, but I've never met someone with downs I'd label as crazy.
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