My objection to the whole issue is the method ,not the goal.
Everyone can believe (key verb) into anything, hence laws have been devised at this time of the societal development to protect it : noone can or should prosecute you in anyway if you believe in a guy that was left to die in the cross and came back again, if you believe that the soul of your dead grandpa might reside in an ox,if you believe that stones and plants are deities,if you believe in a pantheon of a milion gods etc. Of course those things are subjective, the only thing one can have on it is not proof ,but belief and the word that the person that believes "feels it" because "he/she has seen" etc.
It saddens me though that this legislation has to be used as a loophole for psychedelics or anything to be acceptable,taking it to the realm of religion ,of the "unseen thus not proovable yet not disaproovable" -> Can i have the option of being a responsible adult with no religious/spiritual views whatsoever that can fully understand possible dangers and possible benefits and still use a psychoactive? Or am i forced to go under the umbrella of yet another church/religion/spirituality system?
In my ideal world one would just have to be responsible.No religion/spirituality/church needed to be involved.Heh, imagine also that if this becomes the way to go a.."heroin Church" ("The Church of Nod"
or a "cocain church".Heh, hey heroin is their sacrament imagine a Jurema Way style card for heroin! Or in this case are people going to disagree about the choice of substance? Hmmm if it is so then...where is the religious tolerance you would want the goverment to show you in the DMT case?
I remember "Burnt's" comments and furstration before he left DMT-Nexus : he was more into the scientific side and considered it legitimate from a research and scientific point of view. Religion might be a powerful tool for legalising for some groups ,but still if lots of churches pop up -think of the worst case senario here- with lots of "mumbo jumbo" psychedelics could get even more discredited and a taboo subject.Its a doubled edged sword , and think that humans are capable for the worst and they actually achieve the worst many times :
Think of the existence of Entheogenic Liberty Foundation.The lit match in the petrol tank was thrown with the raid of BBB.But stop for a minute to think of the ethnobotanical vendor scene.
Could it exist without it being too obvious?
Could it do without so many advertisments everywhere and Googleads?
Could it have a lower profile that will both protect the seller and the buyer?
So why people have chosen such obvious ways and started marketing more aggresively those plants turning them into simple products? For many its easy money tending to a "drug consuming" crowd. I pose the above as "the whole scene could have done better but chose otherwise, on the side of shops for money and on the side of the customer for increased consumption".
I know most people will not agree or even feel angry. Give it a thought though,will ya?
As a closing comment/recap : Id much rather see legal pressure to prove that use of psychoactives is reasonable on a scientific,self-regulation,freedom of rights way rather that on a religious basis.