The culture around psychedelics is overwhelmingly centered in ableist, white, male experiences. I thouroughly welcome the voice of individuals who don't share those qualities to join the discourse, and do so loudly. In fact, I for one am becoming increasingly interested in the intersection of disability and psychedelics and am dismayed at the lack of inclusion in this culture. And Santa knows we need to hear from more women. Menstruation affecting psilocybin metabolism? Whodathunkit?
Full disclosure: I too am white, able bodied, and male
For as long as I can remember, the "only" pre-existing conditions that contraindicate psychedelics is, indeed, schizophrenia and psychosis. The common knowledge tells us that it is exceedingly dangerous for individuals like yourself to experiment, however, your experiences don't necessarily seem to reflect that as being true. Out of caution and harm-reductionism, I am NOT making a statement about the safety of a schizophrenic person consuming psychs, simply making a statement.
I am sure I can speak for others in welcoming you and inviting you to share more stories and experiences. Be good to ya.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*