Makieneus wrote:Hey guys,
Hiiiii!Quote: I have smoked DMT several times in my life now. In the past (+- 4/5 years ago) I 'abused' it, meaning: Doing it without thinking and doing it on moments when being black out drunk without making sure my mindset, the setting and the people around me were all right. I do like to think I have learned from those days..
Back then I was around 20 years of age and I was just young and used a lot of drugs and going to festivals almost every weekend. Psychedelics in general always grabbed my attention though. Fast forward 5 years to where I am now: I kind of dropped all the other drugs except most psychedelics, and I started showing interest in DMT and Ayahuasca.
Quote: I do like to think I have learned from those days..
You probably have. It's still really difficult to change behavior, though. The main thing is being patient and surprisingly choosing to use your best judgment. It can be an ordeal to process decisions and to organize judgments. It's also just a matter of being human.
We're irrational and compulsive. When we shop through a retail store and wear out the mind we make more compulsive system # 1 (automatic, repetitive) behaviors whereas when we slept at schedule with our bedtime routine and ate a healthy breakfast and maintain ourselves in a clean environment where we aren't worn out by external stress then; then we use system # 2 behaviors (good for mathematics and reading extraction teks for plants like acacia and mimosa hostillis and of course world domination if you're into it).
I mean, hi and welcome!!! It's great here and there's a lot to life and we aren't into world dominion or anything, huhuhhaha... Breaking off into being serious on the next note.
Take care of yourself and give yourself the maintenance. Be human and hold tight to your own autonomy. Respect other people and all living things, non living materials that we take for granted, and the incredible world with all its rules and laws and theories and sciences and arts. It's pretty cool to be the most intelligent species I hope that you respect the world itself because it may not always be there. Remind yourself of the mortality in yourself and externally. Be aware that there are plenty of risks and rewards. The processing of information is in the mental world where you are always seated for the interactive video.
Moving away from associations and being more literal; don't let yourself down and don't beat yourself up, don't let someone take advantage of you and learn that people are highly intelligent but also that there's not going to be a manual or expert there and that you wanna take into your own hands the personal responsibility of self agency and autonomy
love you friend, stay safe