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#1 Posted : 12/20/2021 11:56:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5
Joined: 25-Jul-2020
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Hello! I have to make my intro post here since I very kindly awarded full membership before I could do it in the new members section! (I'm fast as fuck boi)

Really excited to be here folks! I've been sending people here for years and I can remember a time about 8 years ago when I 1st stumbled upon the nexus. I think it was this page on The Machine in the wiki, I seem to recall there being a very dimly lit video of somebody using it on the same page though? I'm quite fallible to false memories so maybe not!

I had some great experiences with Dimitri I purchased off the DNMs along with the friends I made in that community on Reddit and Dread <3 Truly some dedicated, caring and intelligent folk in those parts. Probably consumed about 4-5 grams during this time period but never really got the profound experience I thought I would have. In hindsight I definitely wasn't ready for it so maybe it was for the best. Around this time I stopped consuming DMT for about 3 years.

Once the pandemic hit I started recalling somethings about DMT extraction and I suddenly had loads of time to hyper obsess over a new found hobby (that's also criminal, bonus!). After completing a few successful extractions and reading all that I reasonably could I made u/DMTryptamines nd started helping out on r/DMT, r/DMTguide and r/DMTlab. I loved it and I was addicted immediately. It was basically the same thing I use to do for the DNMs but slightly different, helping noobs find their way in their new journey. Taking people who know nothing and bringing them up to speed then releasing them into the wild so they can spread the same knowledge. Instead of helping noobs with software basics (Tails, whonix, pgp, encryption, etc) market navigation, acquiring bitcoin/monero, ROA advice and opsec, I was helping newbies with extraction basics (extraction methods, pH, NPS, glassware, etc), vendor navigation, acquiring chemicals/solvent, ROA advice and opsec Pleased Back where I belong truly. Love this niche-constant-waves-of-newbies-slightly-dangerous-always-learning-always-interesting-ends-in-drugs lifestyle! Really in my zone when I'm helping build a community, so when I got surprise modded on r/DMTguide (a sub in need of some serious TLC!) I was beyond ecstatic!

It's been 1 year+ since I took over guide and the sub is booming, couldn't be happier with the results but still a long way to go yet. My fellow mods are just as passionate as me and spend their days helping new users extracting DMT and find their ROA. Along the way I co-created the garden.

In the past, DMT has shown me (along with other psychedelics) that the way I was living was not normal and yes, another life was possible. Now DMT has provided me with a new sense of direction, a revitalized passion and a loving community to call home.

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