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The location of the planet determines the trip? Options
#1 Posted : 10/13/2021 9:05:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good morning everyone, I have searched the forum a bit and so at first glance I have not found anything similar, if that is the case I am sorry, my mistake.

Intro: I come from doing two DMT trips with 1 hour of separation, in both trips I have gone to a kind of function / fair attraction, managed by a psychic entities, I have been with them before, they play mind games on you in which you conclude that you have been thinking that other times, and then you forget, in fact in the 2 trips I have had the same chain of thoughts to conclude that I have thought that before, in the second trip given how recent it has been I have fallen in which the previous trip was identical.

This was the introduction (I will publish full trip reports when I can), the point is that this has happened to me other times, having 2 identical trips in a row, or very similar, or being in the same dimension, and that left me thinking, it is possible that hyperspace is superimposed on ours, on a galactic scale, and that the earth, when revolving around the sun, changes its location, which in our empty space is not relevant, but in a hyperspace loaded with "stops", "attractions" and "realms" yes, that is, if in a year, at the same time, I smoke, will I be in the same place as last year (or if the solar systems move when the planet is where it was the last time it was there)?

I do not understand much of astrology or astronomy, so I can not verify this on a large or small scale, could someone contribute something about it?

Perhaps it does not work on an annual scale, but on a daily scale, with the hours, or it depends on the position of the moon, or towards which constellation the subject is facing, but that there is a determining factor in this world sounds logical to me, and if it is something like the location of the subject in space surely all of the above are factors. It would also be possible that these kingdoms have different stops, for example, that this psychic traveling circus appears only X days to X hours, being able to appear 10 times a year.

I said, if someone has information about it, I will be delighted to receive it, it intrigues me a lot, and I also invite people who trip frequently to write down the time and location (be it planetary, solar or galactic). For the moment, for my part I will begin to record the time as well as the place and the day in my journal and investigate common world similarities between similar trips.

See you :3

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#2 Posted : 10/14/2021 1:54:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've wondered similar musings.

If this is more galactic, then you may not be able to reach those spaces again in your lifetime. Using astrology (with an adjunct of astronomy) as an example, if one looks at a fully delineated chart, one will notice quite a number of considerations: planets in relation to each other, planets in relation to constellations, constellations in relation to other constellations etc.

I've also wondered this in juxtaposition to the idea that hyperspace may be mutliplanar, so we would have to consider the above with the consideration of different planes relative to other planes, and all of those planets and constellations... Surprised

It appears that this would be a MASSIVE mapping.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#3 Posted : 10/14/2021 4:43:32 AM

My Personalized Tag

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Space is so vast and intagible that objects in space don't really exist in any absolute location. We can only measure our position relative to other objects (rather, where they were however many years ago they emitted their light, which may be hundreds or thousands or millions of years old). The space in between is always expanding into itself and changing, and many of the objects we see may not exist anymore.

Furthermore constellations only appear the way they do from our little local vantage point, and even lose their shape over time as the stars move apart.

I dunno, a superdimensional intelligence getting hung up on the angles between some rocks and the photons of long-gone stars just seems silly to me.
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#4 Posted : 10/14/2021 4:51:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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For me, the neurochemical potential that I build in the previous twenty four to seventy two hours has a significant impact on my experiences. At least to a lot of what I’m able to pay attention to.

I like your idea of there being specific types of encounters relative to an actual spacial proximity to some phenomena or another, but I don’t journey frequently enough these days to make any helpful observations to confirm or refute.

I may have to add one more confounding idea to the to the complexity of such a notion when including the possibility that multiple dimensions may be involved spacially, as Voidmatrix mentioned. There may also be the dimension of time at play, as I recently mentioned in another thread. I get the impression that hyperspacial encounters aren’t bound by all members of an encounter occupying the same coordinates in time space. As these encounters may not be physical and seem to be on the level of the “code” that writes the universe, or whatever other metaphor makes sense. They seem to be part of the information structure of reality in a purer form than we live in in our normal waking consciousness. Not unlike other information structures that are subsets of this e.g. mathematics.

Anyway it’s fun to think about. Nice thread.
"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#5 Posted : 10/14/2021 8:07:33 AM

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bismillah wrote:

I dunno, a superdimensional intelligence getting hung up on the angles between some rocks and the photons of long-gone stars just seems silly to me.

Yes, seen from that point of view it may sound absurd, but first, for this we should relativize the distance of the universe, everything is massive and does not have an exact location, but you and I are in different places within that cosmos located in itself.

On the other hand, dude, I come from other philosophies and thoughts, if we take this as a game (sims), a matrix of AI singularity, an alien simulation or whatever you want to believe, it can make sense at the moment in which the components of the cosmos have coordinates in virtual space.

In the same way, if we take all this from a solipsistic point of view it is absurd (like everything else), since the only determining factor of the trip would be the mind itself, and even the real locations of this reality would be only an illusory projection.

In the end it is the usual, if we are skeptical this substance is simply something that causes temporary hallucinations changing the chemical balance of the brain and what we see is not real.

The work that I see here is in the tireless and endless effort to discern how much is real and when is illusory, and for this I consider that we must start from various beliefs, because knowing we really do not know anything, not even who we are, where we are, or if what we see is real (not in the scientific way, that's something inside the box, we don't see what the box is)

With all this I do not want to devalue any point of view or the work of anyone eh, I consider that scientific thoughts do a necessary job here, you just got the crazy metaphysical philosopher :v

bismillah wrote:

There may also be the dimension of time at play, as I recently mentioned in another thread.

If you mean general terms, well, time defines place, as we move.
But if you refer to the time of each one, in the sense of their progress, their moment, etc., it can also make a lot of sense, in that case if this smoke were true I think that different people would enter the same dimension but would live the experience in different grade or with different shades. It could also be that a dimension that is based exclusively on the content of your mind is totally different for each person, I do not know, I find it curious, I will try with a friend to smoke at the same time in different places and times to see if we enter the same dimensions
#6 Posted : 10/14/2021 8:32:04 AM

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There is one scientific paper that claims the sidereal time (the time of day when you are facing certain celestial bodies) greatly increases your extra-sensorial perception.


I'm not sure what's the value in this, but might be interesting.
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#7 Posted : 10/14/2021 9:25:50 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I love this theory! I don't know if there are connections between ourselves and heavenly bodies in the astrological sense, but there certainly are in the physical astronomical sense. Forces of gravity, exchange of photons, nuclear forces etc. are all proven physics concepts that explain how matter and energy interact.

My pet theory is that matter is by nature sentient and possess consciousness, no brain required. This is commonly known as pantheism, where all of existence is endowed with a "world soul" that permeates everything. Your chair is aware of its existence, and so is the ocean, the planet Saturn, you, the tree in your backyard etc. Maybe the reason why we haven't been able to figure out how the brain works is because what we perceive as "the self" or "consciousness" is just a function of matter itself. There is such a thing as being the spin of a quark, and it has a distinct experience.

With this (very Buddhist) thinking in mind, the idea of other matter affecting us, sending us messages, sharing experiences does not seem that farfetched. Eating a mushroom or smoalking DMT gives those molecules a chance to interact with us and share their knowledge and experience. It is the traditional way of the mystic to seek out answers by introspection and connecting with nature all around you, and I think it's a valid way of gaining knowledge; just like science is.
#8 Posted : 10/14/2021 3:44:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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BongQuixote wrote:
I love this theory! I don't know if there are connections between ourselves and heavenly bodies in the astrological sense, but there certainly are in the physical astronomical sense. Forces of gravity, exchange of photons, nuclear forces etc. are all proven physics concepts that explain how matter and energy interact.

My pet theory is that matter is by nature sentient and possess consciousness, no brain required. This is commonly known as pantheism, where all of existence is endowed with a "world soul" that permeates everything. Your chair is aware of its existence, and so is the ocean, the planet Saturn, you, the tree in your backyard etc. Maybe the reason why we haven't been able to figure out how the brain works is because what we perceive as "the self" or "consciousness" is just a function of matter itself. There is such a thing as being the spin of a quark, and it has a distinct experience.

With this (very Buddhist) thinking in mind, the idea of other matter affecting us, sending us messages, sharing experiences does not seem that farfetched. Eating a mushroom or smoalking DMT gives those molecules a chance to interact with us and share their knowledge and experience. It is the traditional way of the mystic to seek out answers by introspection and connecting with nature all around you, and I think it's a valid way of gaining knowledge; just like science is.

BIG YES for you from my part.

I am not a physicist, but some of what I have spoken with psychonaut friends is about the unified field theory, if I am not wrong this theory explains that the particles are vibrations, and that as such there are no particles (many), if not a field of the particle (an electron field, a qwark field, etc.), and what we perceive as electrons are waves, manifestations of that field, like waves on a coast, I added to that theory the possibility that consciousness is a field, and all beings, with all degrees of consciousness are part of that field, just as a wave cannot know what the other end of the planet is doing, but the ocean does (in case it is conscious), you cannot knowing what the chair does, or the one on your side, but the conscious tide that drives us yes, but you have no way of knowing (except, perhaps, when you dissolve your ego or contact that unit).

In that case the consciousness would be one more field, which can be dissolved or concentrated at certain points, when you experience that unity it is the consciousness concentrating on you for a moment.
Look at it as if you were playing WoW with 4 characters at the same time, they do not know that the same force controls them, but you, as a controlling force, yes, by doing this, you divide your attention into 4, it is difficult to move 4 things at the same time, It is already difficult to move 2 hands to play a piano when 1 is very easy, but suddenly you need to do something that only one of the characters can do, you leave the other 3 stopped and dedicate full awareness and ability to manage that character (It has never happened to you that there are days when you are not, you look like zombies, you do not remember things, you move around the house to look for something and you come back without it ... you are lethargic?), at that moment, in his reality, that character is much more awake than usual, he has many more reflexes, mental agility and wisdom. Well, there is an entity that for now is playing with 8 billion human bodies, and many more billions of animal, fungal and plant bodies.

Taking it as a sea, we could also understand the collective unconscious that Jung speaks of, and even a conscious one, because as parts of an entity we do not see the totality, but the sum of our parts as a greater ego, after all, your cells not know that they are part of an autonomous body, they are individuals, but the result is that you can think "I am".

Adding all this up, if we can consider the field theory, and that consciousness is a field, the next theory would be the unified field theory, where there are no fields for each particle, but yes a single field, and depending on how it manifests, in which frequency it vibrates, generates what we perceive as one or another particle, if we put here the philosophy of solipsism, and/or the first hermetic rule (the universe is mental), we have that the entire universe is a projection of a fractal thought, that can be abstracted and experienced from many perspectives within itself and creates its own reality.

Here we enter the usual, if it is real or an illusion, and we can never know for sure. But as you think, create, the act of thinking of this as in a videogame allows those stimuli that we all receive to be able to interpret them in that way, and it is congruent and consistent. The aforementioned is a way of seeing the world and a philosophy that I apply a lot both in my daily life and when I trip, and thanks to this the result is that, not necessarily because it is reality, the world appears to me like this and wherever I look at the inputs that confirm and reinforce this belief. If you stop identifying with the body and begin to identify with the chair next to you, whether it is hallucination or not, there will come a moment where you will notice that you are the chair and you will see the connection. The point here is, regardless of what it is, that it allows you to function correctly in the world, once that is achieved the job is to see how consistent it is with the ordinary world (if from the point of view of the chair I notice that someone is sit on me, and when I go to the room I see someone and I affirm that they have sat down and it is true, we are progressing, if not, too)
#9 Posted : 10/14/2021 5:23:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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roninsina wrote:

There may also be the dimension of time at play, as I recently mentioned in another thread.

PsilOutsider wrote:

If you mean general terms, well, time defines place, as we move.
But if you refer to the time of each one, in the sense of their progress, their moment, etc., it can also make a lot of sense, in that case if this smoke were true I think that different people would enter the same dimension but would live the experience in different grade or with different shades. It could also be that a dimension that is based exclusively on the content of your mind is totally different for each person, I do not know, I find it curious, I will try with a friend to smoke at the same time in different places and times to see if we enter the same dimensions

Not totally referring to time being relative to motion, but more your second description as in a snapshot of space-time/reality, though the two are not really separable or independent. I’ll attempt to illustrate with the idea that a snapshot of what’s going on in your brain (as far science is currently guessing) is directly relative to the experience you’re having consciously. Or, if you will, what’s going on in the components of your computer relative to what’s going on on your display at any given time.

You mention some fondness/comprehension of fractals in post #8 so that may make it easier for me to elucidate my opinion. I think of the structure of reality as an informational fractal, so as certain physical phenomena are patterns that are relative to one another like the electronic workings of your computer are representative of what is displayed on the screen and also relative to the code that represents what ends up on the screen, and so commensurately representative of the neural activity that represents the ideas or images that someone wanted to display on the screen or how that information on the screen can then be represented in another brain after seeing that screen, in a somewhat similar fashion, etc etc, and is effectively all part of the same section of the information fractal that is reality.

Indulging me on the information fractal point, you wouldn’t need to specifically be at a particular point in the fractal (or in “time”) to encounter something that is repeated somewhere else in the fractal, and especially true if different subsets of the fractal can be experienced simultaneously through the relationships I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

[Edit: Not to be too reductionist but you can encounter a lot of the same patterns from watching an old movie as did the long dead actors and writers. But may be even easier to understand with a simpler device such as numbers, ie five apples represents a lot of the same information as a pentacle or the typed#5, and have similarities experientially]

All just some fun speculation really, lol!

I like how you’re able to relate to being a chair in your description of reality, and that part of your concept is easy for me to translate into my above comments.

I’m having a really difficult time getting my ten year old tablet to perform any operation other than log in and type text, but I’m going to attempt to link you to a thread I think you’d have a ton of fun with.

https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=11579 (Mod edit: fixed the link for ya!)
I doubt the link will work but the thread is stickied in the philosophy subforum as: A pragmatic approach, what is “real” and when is it useful to ask?

"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#10 Posted : 10/16/2021 10:35:51 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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roninsina wrote:

You mention some fondness/comprehension of fractals in post #8 so that may make it easier for me to elucidate my opinion. I think of the structure of reality as an informational fractal, so as certain physical phenomena are patterns that are relative to one another like the electronic workings of your computer are representative of what is displayed on the screen and also relative to the code that represents what ends up on the screen, and so commensurately representative of the neural activity that represents the ideas or images that someone wanted to display on the screen or how that information on the screen can then be represented in another brain after seeing that screen, in a somewhat similar fashion, etc etc, and is effectively all part of the same section of the information fractal that is reality.

Indulging me on the information fractal point, you wouldn’t need to specifically be at a particular point in the fractal (or in “time”) to encounter something that is repeated somewhere else in the fractal, and especially true if different subsets of the fractal can be experienced simultaneously through the relationships I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Nothing more to contribute, Your Honor Big grin
You don't know how difficult it has been for me to explain these things about fractality to ordinary people Neutral

roninsina wrote:

https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=11579 (Mod edit: fixed the link for ya!)
I doubt the link will work but the thread is stickied in the philosophy subforum as: A pragmatic approach, what is “real” and when is it useful to ask?

I think I have read this post, I don't know if it was one of the first, is it possible that I could see it before registering? Is there a link on the wiki or something?

In any case thanks, I'll take a look again.
#11 Posted : 10/16/2021 3:40:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I’m so glad you could make sense out of my post. I’ve had these views ever since Mandelbrot’s work became available to the common mind back in the 90’s but I’ve never bothered putting my ideas together in a way for them to make sense to anyone who didn’t already have the same insight.

I’m likely to have some time to get back into an academic environment in a couple of years or so. I think I will be much more comfortable putting something intelligible together after I’ve had some formal training in fractal math. I’ll be sure to keep you posted if that ever happens.
"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#12 Posted : 10/18/2021 1:16:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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roninsina wrote:
I so glad you could make sense out of my post. I’ve had these views ever since Mandelbrot’s work became available to the common mind back in the 90’s but I’ve never bothered putting my ideas together in a way for them to make sense to anyone who didn’t already have the same insight.

I’m likely to have some time to get back into an academic environment in a couple of years or so. I think I will be much more comfortable putting something intelligible together after I’ve had some formal training in fractal math. I’ll be sure to keep you posted if that ever happens.

Yes please, I hope you get it
#13 Posted : 10/28/2021 4:35:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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PsilOutsider wrote:
BongQuixote wrote:
I love this theory! I don't know if there are connections between ourselves and heavenly bodies in the astrological sense, but there certainly are in the physical astronomical sense. Forces of gravity, exchange of photons, nuclear forces etc. are all proven physics concepts that explain how matter and energy interact.

My pet theory is that matter is by nature sentient and possess consciousness, no brain required. This is commonly known as pantheism, where all of existence is endowed with a "world soul" that permeates everything. Your chair is aware of its existence, and so is the ocean, the planet Saturn, you, the tree in your backyard etc. Maybe the reason why we haven't been able to figure out how the brain works is because what we perceive as "the self" or "consciousness" is just a function of matter itself. There is such a thing as being the spin of a quark, and it has a distinct experience.

With this (very Buddhist) thinking in mind, the idea of other matter affecting us, sending us messages, sharing experiences does not seem that farfetched. Eating a mushroom or smoalking DMT gives those molecules a chance to interact with us and share their knowledge and experience. It is the traditional way of the mystic to seek out answers by introspection and connecting with nature all around you, and I think it's a valid way of gaining knowledge; just like science is.

BIG YES for you from my part.

I am not a physicist, but some of what I have spoken with psychonaut friends is about the unified field theory, if I am not wrong this theory explains that the particles are vibrations, and that as such there are no particles (many), if not a field of the particle (an electron field, a qwark field, etc.), and what we perceive as electrons are waves, manifestations of that field, like waves on a coast, I added to that theory the possibility that consciousness is a field, and all beings, with all degrees of consciousness are part of that field, just as a wave cannot know what the other end of the planet is doing, but the ocean does (in case it is conscious), you cannot knowing what the chair does, or the one on your side, but the conscious tide that drives us yes, but you have no way of knowing (except, perhaps, when you dissolve your ego or contact that unit).

In that case the consciousness would be one more field, which can be dissolved or concentrated at certain points, when you experience that unity it is the consciousness concentrating on you for a moment.
Look at it as if you were playing WoW with 4 characters at the same time, they do not know that the same force controls them, but you, as a controlling force, yes, by doing this, you divide your attention into 4, it is difficult to move 4 things at the same time, It is already difficult to move 2 hands to play a piano when 1 is very easy, but suddenly you need to do something that only one of the characters can do, you leave the other 3 stopped and dedicate full awareness and ability to manage that character (It has never happened to you that there are days when you are not, you look like zombies, you do not remember things, you move around the house to look for something and you come back without it ... you are lethargic?), at that moment, in his reality, that character is much more awake than usual, he has many more reflexes, mental agility and wisdom. Well, there is an entity that for now is playing with 8 billion human bodies, and many more billions of animal, fungal and plant bodies.

Taking it as a sea, we could also understand the collective unconscious that Jung speaks of, and even a conscious one, because as parts of an entity we do not see the totality, but the sum of our parts as a greater ego, after all, your cells not know that they are part of an autonomous body, they are individuals, but the result is that you can think "I am".

Adding all this up, if we can consider the field theory, and that consciousness is a field, the next theory would be the unified field theory, where there are no fields for each particle, but yes a single field, and depending on how it manifests, in which frequency it vibrates, generates what we perceive as one or another particle, if we put here the philosophy of solipsism, and/or the first hermetic rule (the universe is mental), we have that the entire universe is a projection of a fractal thought, that can be abstracted and experienced from many perspectives within itself and creates its own reality.

Here we enter the usual, if it is real or an illusion, and we can never know for sure. But as you think, create, the act of thinking of this as in a videogame allows those stimuli that we all receive to be able to interpret them in that way, and it is congruent and consistent. The aforementioned is a way of seeing the world and a philosophy that I apply a lot both in my daily life and when I trip, and thanks to this the result is that, not necessarily because it is reality, the world appears to me like this and wherever I look at the inputs that confirm and reinforce this belief. If you stop identifying with the body and begin to identify with the chair next to you, whether it is hallucination or not, there will come a moment where you will notice that you are the chair and you will see the connection. The point here is, regardless of what it is, that it allows you to function correctly in the world, once that is achieved the job is to see how consistent it is with the ordinary world (if from the point of view of the chair I notice that someone is sit on me, and when I go to the room I see someone and I affirm that they have sat down and it is true, we are progressing, if not, too)

It is interesting when you start to handle a certain perception of the unified world, as in detachment from the contour that delineates the forms. It could lead that thinking to a kind of pluralism.
The issue is when you stick back to the density of the structures that threaten to regulate the world with more fragmentation. You are further from that; which you named as a way to dissolve the ego. That is an interesting experience. And I think it is clearly linked to the experience of unity, although I felt that many times and now I am doubting the subject a bit, what is really that feeling of universal synecdoche? What if it were just an illusory experience that disguises itself as totality but is basically nothing more than a masked solipsism? That here and everywhere, could be an internal geolocation of oneself. It could be a totality, but necessarily why should it be connected to the physical totality? What if it were just an experience of totality of internal geolocation of the structure itself?
დ there is a Spirit, there is a Soul დ
Dirty T
#14 Posted : 10/28/2021 5:25:16 PM

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I too have a theory of "collective consciousness" but my theory revolves around the idea that We are 'otherworldy' organisms that merely inhabit 'human host' bodies. There is scientific evidence that this could definitely be the case as well as reincarnation which isn't "another life" as it is passing to the next host and the reason our memories are limited to a single life is the action of passing from host to host is so traumatic yet some of us still formulate memories that are not our own and from past hosts.

It is my belief we are all 'alien' in origin. Those of us with "higher IQ" or however you want to measure ability to learn is simply because we have inhabited human hosts for more cycles than our counterparts and the "animals that act like people" are simply waiting to enter a new host.

That brings me to your idea of hyperspace and planetary alignment coinciding with one another and I would say you are on to something. There is the stark possibility that the two are related. In addition to the collective conscious I also believe that we are host to "multiple spirits", some of us are shared, some have more than others. There is a whole world of discovery yet to be had in the strange and wonderful realm we affectionately refer to as 'hyperspace'.
#15 Posted : 10/29/2021 1:56:49 AM

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Dirty T wrote:
I too have a theory of "collective consciousness" but my theory revolves around the idea that We are 'otherworldy' organisms that merely inhabit 'human host' bodies. There is scientific evidence that this could definitely be the case as well as reincarnation which isn't "another life" as it is passing to the next host and the reason our memories are limited to a single life is the action of passing from host to host is so traumatic yet some of us still formulate memories that are not our own and from past hosts.

It is my belief we are all 'alien' in origin. Those of us with "higher IQ" or however you want to measure ability to learn is simply because we have inhabited human hosts for more cycles than our counterparts and the "animals that act like people" are simply waiting to enter a new host'.

I feel that sometimes, under the right conditions, contact can be made with a past life. (Or Host. I find your theory intriguing).
Not just a foreign memory.
From personal experience I have had a number of “past life memories” in dreams,
I say this confidently as the depth and undercurrent of the emotions felt in those dreams were far beyond my normal dreamscape.
It was startling.
It culminated in an incident where the emotions of a previous life (the last one I feel) over took me in a waking state.
I felt the experience exactly as that person did.
It is though much more complex than than what I’ve written..

They say the moon has great influence on emotion, intuition. I do feel that this is so. Not sure how relevant it would be to the whole of the main post here , but, it may be. On a micro level
Dirty T
#16 Posted : 10/29/2021 5:27:25 PM

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I definitely agree, by "foreign memories" I mean foreign to this host not our being. I have seen a lot of past life events, it started as a small child with memories that were 'not my own' and when I was told I have a wild imagination I began to keep these things to myself. I feel 'drawn' to certain people as well and I believe it is for one of two reasons, we share a spirit or we spent time in a 'past life'.

#17 Posted : 11/1/2021 10:45:13 AM

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this is a fascinating take on things. i have not read through the responses yet but i am keen to hear peoples opinions on this.
if the place/places we travel to are like another parallel dimension then it would be safe to say our time keeping methods would not be enough to determine a point in time when we could 'jump' to a specific location in the other dimension, not unless they follow the same spacetime that we do, like a copy of us. if anything i would hazard a guess that the direction of rotation in space would be opposite at least.
i am thinking of it like two solar systems being placed in the same position. they will have different things happening in different places at different times. even if the solar system follows the same laws of physics that we recognize, the length of a year, day etc will be different. in order to find a repeating crossing point in spacetime we would need to look at their cycles as well as our own and the resulting cycle length would be somewhat 'alien' to the cycles we are used to (day, year, etc).
the only thing plaguing my mind is that when we trip side by side with another person we do not see them in our trip and we do not (at least in my experience) visit the same places as them. perhaps there are many other dimensions existing parallel to ours and other factors that ultimately control which one we visit.
i'm not even sure that made much sense. my mind is going too fast for my fingers to keep up and i am making this up as i go along Smile i think i need some time to think about this and put it into words. language has never been my strongest attribute.
#18 Posted : 11/1/2021 10:46:55 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
I've wondered similar musings.

If this is more galactic, then you may not be able to reach those spaces again in your lifetime. Using astrology (with an adjunct of astronomy) as an example, if one looks at a fully delineated chart, one will notice quite a number of considerations: planets in relation to each other, planets in relation to constellations, constellations in relation to other constellations etc.

i think you said what i was trying to say in one neat little paragraph Very happy thanks
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