This is not 100% fact, but anecdotal theory, here.
I have been involved in quite a few deep discussions as to the difference between pure white, yellow, and the more orangish/red jungle spice at an alkaloidal level. One thing that seems to be certain is that the more color, the more non-NNDMT alkaloids and plant fats may be present. Unfortunately, without extensive scientific research, it is impossible for us the know how these added compounds interact with one another and our own brain chemistry. The spice, itself, though, seems to work along side our own conscious and subconscious to create a seemingly unique experience while also sticking with the theme "hyperspace".
I know that IME I have had very different experiences with jungle spice than I have had with what is considered to be more "pure" variations such as light yellow and white. Differentiating what comes from the mind and what comes from the cocktail of compounds/fats and tannins is a much more difficult endeavor. But personally, I feel as if having a bit of plant fat makes the experience a bit more pleasant for me. Although this is purely anecdotal.
Expecting something, and then having that expectation shattered (as well as a much larger dose, as you suspect could be the case) could cause your mind to take a completely different turn than you had hoped. And once you start spiraling down that drain, it can be difficult to "put the toothpaste back in the tube".
As for the breathing thing, this is somewhat normal, IME. Think about when you see or feel something that truly blows your mind, you gasp, and depending on how immersed you are in what you are experiencing, you may hold your breath for an extended period of time naturally. Your susceptible state-of-mind at the time is what could be causing you to have the feeling that you "can't" breathe, but it is possible that this is a conclusion jumped to on account that you lose yourself for a time, then come back into "you" in the state of holding your breath.
Again, this is all conjecture, but it is my two cents on what COULD possibly be the root of what you may have been experiencing. I am in no way an expert, or "enlightened". I just notice some similarities in your experience and some that I have had in the past. My guesses are based on conversations I have had with others, little tidbits I have read here and there, and internal monologues I have had with myself during long periods of integration and in no way should be taken as fact. Perhaps just food for thought, or a foundation for your own further explorations within.
Have a blessed day, my friend, and I hope that you are able to make sense of all of this. Remember....integrate, integrate, integrate!
May we continue to be blessed