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Please help me know if I'm doing this right. Options
#1 Posted : 9/4/2021 9:44:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice to meet you people. This is my first post here, so although I have read the rules, I apologize if I make any mistakes. I will do my best not to.

I will try to get straight to the point: I don't know yet if I will ever try DMT or not. But if I do, I want to do it right. For this reason, I have been lurking here and reading every source of information DMT related that I can find. I am still pretty green and there is a lot that I don't know yet. That is why I am writing this post. I don't have anybody to ask in person, so please, let me know if I am in the right track.

What I am going to write next may seem overly complicated, so first I consider important to give you some background. This way you will know my reasoning behind those decisions. And of course, if you think of a better solution, I'm all ears.

I am an adult, in my 30s. I don't smoke, and I never learned how to. Also, I have only taken psychedelics once in my entire life (psiloicybin). For that first experience, I studied mushrooms thoroughly (as I have just begun doing with DMT) and had a pleasant and intense experience, which has been really positive in my life. But I didn't have a breakthrough.

I honestly don't mind, because I learnt a lot from that experience anyway. I decided that that was going to be my first and last psychedelic experience, but after it, I am having second thoughts.

I still don't plan on doing psychedelics regularly, or sporadically. But maybe, in the future, I could try again to have a breakthrough experience, and I think that DMT may be a better candidate than psilocybin.

So now, finally, this is the idea I have got so far:

In the hypothetic case that I end up doing DMT, would this method be a valid one?

1. Follow one of the extraction teks to the letter. Namely Noman's.

2. Purchasing a mod and filling the cart putting your DMT in the ejuice (I have taken that idea from here)

3. Wait for the right time, and have my breakthrough.

4. Throw everything away afterwards.

That's it.

I am worried about this method because I haven't read a lot about e-cigs here. I have found things, yes, but it seems that most people don't use it. I don't want to go the other routes because I feel I would just be burning the spice (and/or myself). I mean, I don't know how to smoke, and that method seems foolproof, for what they say.

Also, I am interested in knowing how well the spice would "hold" the test of time. I have read here that DMT turns into a slightly different compound if let collecting dust in a shelf for too much time. Is it the same for an ejuice cartridge? I am sorry if this is a newbie question, but I don't want to smoke it once and have a bad experience because of an old and stale DMT. But if somebody knows if it is well preserved in the ejuice cartridge, I might go this route.

Thank you for having read this far. And again, any criticism, advice or comment about this is appreciated. I hope you all have a great day.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/4/2021 10:21:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'd like to ask some questions for better understanding before I can provide any feedback.

Why such strict limits on how many psychedelic experiences you may have? There's a great deal to be experienced on these substances, and one experience is rarely the same as another ime. Also, with vaping DMT properly, it may take a little practice. This isn't to discourage the cartridge ROA, but I don't know many who find that effective for breakingthough. If the e-cig method doesn't work well for you, this may work better (it's what I use).

When you say "breakthrough" what is it that you mean? Do you mean a life changing experience? OR is this more in line with the depth and intensity of experience (I don't often hear the term breakthrough used with anything other than DMT)? With regard to DMT, my understanding is that is more about the level and depth of an expereince- getting to "the other side." I'm not nitpicking, but just want to understand so that I can respond appropriately.

I don't really see anything wrong necessarily with your plan. Just unclear about why throw everything away after so much hard work.

One love

P.S. Welcome to the Nexus Smile
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#3 Posted : 9/4/2021 10:45:15 PM

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Welcome, Ragna. About the meaning of term breakthrough. Sometimes "breakthrough" is used as a term for rapid advancements in therapeutic progress, but this is not what DMT breakthrough means. Breakthrough experience is something associated almost exclusively with vaped DMT although sometimes people say they have experienced something similar with high dose mushroom trips.

In breakthrough experience you experience growing intensity (often accompanied by ringing voice) and when the intensity reaches a certain point you are entirely on the other side. This can be beautiful experience but it's very intense and can feel overwhelming, since it's so otherworldly. The feeling is a bit like the one in very intense dreams.

DMT is tool for growth. It is a sacred medicine for the cultures it emanates from. It's understandable wanting to just try it and then move on, but a more wise approach would be to take it for what it's worth and then decide if it's worth continuing. Having a relaxed and open attitude helps a lot with the experience.

Also, I suggest you try DMT with harmala alkaloids. Syrian rue is the most commonly available source for them. It slows down the experience and helps you take a better grasp of it. I also strongly recommend taking oral DMT (also called pharmahuasca or ayahuasca analogue, where MAOI component like syrian rue is included). It can show quite different side of DMT than vaping.

But then there comes the point where it's just time to try and see for yourself what it is. You probably have lots more questions after the first experience.

About the method: direct e-mesh method is very efficient, but requires a little work.

Keep us updated!
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#4 Posted : 9/5/2021 3:37:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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(Edited: Small corrections)

My view, is the one you do not want.
Start the “soul way” > Aya.
You want to control it.
Stop there!
You can’t - And you should not!

If you want to TRY “open it”.
Take secure measures.

Have a sitter (support). It does not need to know how DMT works.
It need to know:
1. It will stop!
2. You will not die from it!
3. Be ready to clean the puke!
4. It MUST be ready to give you “trip kill”, if you ask for it.
In your mind you can enter a loop, where you will ask for a “trip kill” many times. But in real time, it will happened once. Your friend might wait for confirmation, thou. So let them be sure: “Do it => DO IT”.

Take it slow. DMT have stages. Nice colors are fun, but eventually “hammer” will drop.
If you smoke, It is more borderless (hammer is faster), but you should do Aya to “understand” DMT.
Heaving that experience, and having time to react, helps for any future DMT forms.
Take it slow.
If you have any “senses-extending experiences”, meditation based experiences -> good.
Take it slow anyway.
If you know how to control your dreams and emotions, go "ham" and be surprised. You might still scare yourself.

If you are scared of “returning different”, or “returning schizophrenic”. The fear of that, is the key to create it.
Just let yourself “learn” DMT, and you will be fine.

If you are going to go “ham”.
Remember of your support and “trip killer”.

If you going full “first time idiot”, remember about breathing.
(Edit) I forgot to add: This is to help you focus and keep calm. Mini meditation. You are not going to choke.

Nothing bad is going to happened.
You are NOT going to die, when your “identity” leaves your body.
You are, JUST!, not going to die.
You are there for experience.
Bad trips… If you are in it. Remember! “This is You, healing your wound”.
Pain doing good.

DMT is actually safe and you can be idiot with it, BUT!
We want community to grow.
Your SAFE experience, is the best experience to grow DMT based community and knowledge.

Strong Aya gives "short" diarrhea.
(Edit) After triping, whew "brown flood" comes, stay on the sitter for at least 1 hour. Next day all should be good.
- I will delete/edit this post if I was "too exposing" or just stupid.
- Sorry for spelling errors
#5 Posted : 9/5/2021 3:26:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'd like to ask some questions for better understanding before I can provide any feedback.

Why such strict limits on how many psychedelic experiences you may have? There's a great deal to be experienced on these substances, and one experience is rarely the same as another ime. Also, with vaping DMT properly, it may take a little practice.

In short words, it's because of my lifestyle. I don't want to reveal a lot of personal information, but in essence: I'm already a happy man. I have a good family and a perfect wife. I am curious by nature, and a couple of years ago I stumbled across some literature that made me ask me some questions. After that, I kept reading and I discovered that not all drugs are made equal, that psilocybin has less toxicity than my morning coffee, and that DMT is naturally produced in my body. Also, I read that those substances were not addictive and that they could help me feel something that I am already feeling, kind of, at an intellectual level: that the idea of being a "something" inside of my head is just an illusion.

I would love to know if I am right or wrong. I would love to know if the books I have been reading the past 2 years were bullshit or if there was truth in them. I see the logic in those, but I don't "feel it", except for some really briefs periods of time. But, as Alan Watts said, "after you get the call, hang up the phone". I respect psychedelics, and although now I don't look at them like before, I see no need in using them for recreation or other means. I am just looking for that answer.

Additionally, there's my wife. She is amazing, and she trusts me enough to agree with me taking psilocybin, even despite she not understanding it. She was afraid, and anxious, but she supported me. She knows that I didn't get my answer that time, and she may agree to me trying psychedelics again, but I know that she would never support sporadic use.

Don't get me wrong: I think this is important. But my family is the first thing in my life. I want to know the truth, but I won't destroy my family and my wife in the process. Other than that, I am fine. Maybe, if I was younger, I would do a more "risky" or "passionate" approach to this, but I am not like that anymore.

If the e-cig method doesn't work well for you, this may work better (it's what I use).

Thank you so much for this. As a non smoker, I have no idea about vaping either, so this info is invaluable to me. If I end up doing it, and if you are okay with this, I will try to write a "how to" as detailed as possible, with pictures.

When you say "breakthrough" what is it that you mean? Do you mean a life changing experience? OR is this more in line with the depth and intensity of experience (I don't often hear the term breakthrough used with anything other than DMT)?

I would like to feel that I am not my thoughts. It seems that some authors (mainly Alan Watts and Sam Harris, as they are my favourites) agree that we are identifying with our thougts, and that our ego is an illusion manufactured by us. The latter also defends that psychedelics can be a tool to experience this.

I chose psilocybin as my preferred tool, since it was edible and it seemed easier. I read everything I could about it, in order to prepare for the trip and to have a safe time. In the end, it seems I fell short of my dosage.

I don't mind, as although I didn't get the answer I was looking for, I got other answers. Maybe those were the answers I needed at the time. Since that trip (which was some months ago) I am much more present, and way less anxious. I didn't struggle with anxiety before, but work can be stressful. Well, not anymore! So in the end, I count the experience as a tremendous success.

Also, with vaping DMT properly, it may take a little practice.

Thank you for pointing it out. What has made me "switch" my interest from psilocybin to DMT is something like that. If I were to try psychedelics again, and I stick to psilocybin, I would need several trips. I mean, I am not going to duplicate my dosage like a madman or something like that. So in the end, we would be talking about 4 or 5 more trips, maybe. I don't know, I'm just estimating. But due to the limits I have self imposed here, I rather not do that.

DMT, on the other side, seems easier. It is true that I might need a couple of times, maybe, but I think that if I learn to smoke, I have more chances of getting my answer there. I understand that it may not be a success the first time. But somehow I think I will succeed quicker with DMT. I may be wrong though!

P.S. Welcome to the Nexus Smile

Thank you very much! Smile


Welcome, Ragna. About the meaning of term breakthrough. Sometimes "breakthrough" is used as a term for rapid advancements in therapeutic progress, but this is not what DMT breakthrough means. Breakthrough experience is something associated almost exclusively with vaped DMT although sometimes people say they have experienced something similar with high dose mushroom trips.

In breakthrough experience you experience growing intensity (often accompanied by ringing voice) and when the intensity reaches a certain point you are entirely on the other side. This can be beautiful experience but it's very intense and can feel overwhelming, since it's so otherworldly. The feeling is a bit like the one in very intense dreams.

I may have used the term breakthrough wrong, maybe. I am sorry for that. Currently I am reading "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", and it is used there, so I thought I understood what it meant. But I am learning all by myself, and I can make mistakes.

What I meant is that I want to feel that I am not my thoughts. Lately I have been reading that we are thinking all the time, and that our sense of self is just another thought. So we would be thinking that we are a thinker. I am not good explaining this and I am probably sounding like a crazy person, but when I read it, it made sense, at least in a logical sphere.

I more or less understand it, but I would like to feel it, too. That is my goal with psychedelics. And that is what I thought it was to have a breakthrough dose.

DMT is tool for growth. It is a sacred medicine for the cultures it emanates from. It's understandable wanting to just try it and then move on, but a more wise approach would be to take it for what it's worth and then decide if it's worth continuing. Having a relaxed and open attitude helps a lot with the experience

I hope this doesn't upset you and I want you to know that I really appreciate your reply, but personally I don't believe in anything sacred. I do accept them as a tool, thought. I have spent more than a year getting ready for my psilocybin trip, and I plan on spending as much time as necessary preparing for the DMT one. I respect the tool and myself, and I will do as much as I can to make sure that the experience is safe.

I have... A weird personality, I suppose. This is my "relaxed and open attitude" already. If you let me try a comparison, it's like going out to explore a forest. I will read all I can about the flora, the fauna, and the terrain. I will check my backpack several times to make sure that I have all the essentials (and a few non-essentials). But after that, when I step into unknown territory, I accept anything that comes my way.

So although I may look like I'm too focused in details and control, in the end it's just that being cautious beforehand lets me enjoy the moment later.

Also, I suggest you try DMT with harmala alkaloids. Syrian rue is the most commonly available source for them. It slows down the experience and helps you take a better grasp of it. I also strongly recommend taking oral DMT (also called pharmahuasca or ayahuasca analogue, where MAOI component like syrian rue is included). It can show quite different side of DMT than vaping.

I had avoided that option for the vape one, because I thought it looked too difficult for me. But if you recommend that option, I will pay more attention to it. Maybe I go this route. Thank you.

But then there comes the point where it's just time to try and see for yourself what it is. You probably have lots more questions after the first experience.

Yes, I understand that I can't predict how I am going to feel/think/be after the experience, so this can be an option. But I won't try to get ahead of myself for that one. What happens, happens.

Keep us updated!

If I do it, I will post it here Smile But it might be a while! it took me almost two years to finally try psilocybin.


My view, is the one you do not want.
Start the “soul way” > Aya.
You want to control it.
Stop there!
You can’t - And you should not!

Maybe it's the way I write. I don't plan on control it. In fact, I would say my life is 100 times better since I don't try to control things. But same as I get ready before doing any other activity, I will do my best getting ready for this experience. I may never be. I may think I am ready and not be. I don't know that, so it doesn't worries me. But it would worry me to not try to get ready, so if it is in my nature, why not do it?

I had avoided the ayahuasca option because it seemed too complicated, but you are the second person recommending it so I definitely need to have a deep look at that. Maybe I don't need to learn to smoke in the end!

If you want to TRY “open it”.
Take secure measurements.

Have a sitter (support). It does not need to know how DMT works. It need to know:
1. It will stop!
2. You will not die from it!
3. Be ready to clean the puke!

Thank you for this. I have the best sitter in the world (my wife). But yeah, she does not know how DMT works. I have prepared her for all of this since my first (and only) trip, with psilocybin. I made a summary of this website for her.

4. It is ready to give you “trip kill”, if you ask for it.
In your mind you can enter a loop, where you will ask for a “trip kill” many times. But in real time it will happened once. Your friend might wait for confirmation, thou. So let them make sure: “Do it => DO IT”.

I am sorry, I don't know what a trip killer is. I thought that after I'm in, there was no way back. Could you elaborate on this, please? or at least point me out to a source where I can learn more about this. Thank you!

Take it slow. DMT have stages. Nice colors are fun, but eventually “hammer” will drop.
If you smoke, It is more borderless (hammer is faster), but you should do Aya to “understand” DMT.
Heaving that experience, and having time to react, helps for any future DMT forms.
Take it slow.

I rather fall short than have too much, so no problem with this. Also, as you said, once I'm in, I would be focusing on learning what I can from the experience. I am cautious, but I am not afraid.

If you have any “senses-extending experiences”, meditation based experiences -> good.
Take it slow anyway.
If you know how to control your dreams and emotions, go ham and be surprised. You might still scare yourself.

I do mindfulness meditation regularly. I am in a very good headspace right now and since my only psychedelic experience, some months ago, I haven't even been anxious (not that I struggled with anxiety before, but I am in an stressful career). I am a happy person.

If you are scared of “returning different”, or “returning schizophrenic”. The fear of that, is the key to create it.
Just let yourself “learn” DMT, and you will be fine.

I know I may turn different. But that is something that can happen with any experience. I am not in control of that, I can just choose which experiences I want to go to. So I thank you for pointing this out, but I am not worried.

Nothing bad is going to happened.
You are NOT going to die, when your “identity” lives your body.
You are, JUST!, not going to die.
You are there to experience.

That is EXACTLY what I am looking for. I hope I get to experience that.

Strong Aya gives "short" diarrhea.

Oh. Thank for the heads up! I will remember that.


Thank you for your replies. I did not expect that much info and care in this short period of time. I hope you have a great day! Smile
#6 Posted : 9/5/2021 4:43:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you for clarifications, Ragna. I want to comment on two things.

What you are looking for (non-identification with thoughts) is something you might want to look in meditation or zen practices at large. They go well with psychedelics but psychedelics can also take you to the opposite direction, that is, become preoccupied with the illusory experience.

Meaningful use of psychedelics is a skill that takes practice. Learning discretion is important since not everything you experience is to be believed on face level. That said, taking just a short tour or going for just a single experience can be very meaningful. It's just that if you have a specific purpose, accomplishing that on the first try might be unrealistic.

What Alan Watts meant with his "after you get the call, hang up the phone" metaphor is, I believe, that you shouldn't use these substances impulsively and without intention. When you get a message, you should act accordingly. I think it's a misinterpretation of his words to think there is just a single message these substances convey and after you have got it, there's nothing more to get.

But whatever path you take, it's very important to stay true to your values and value your integrity.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#7 Posted : 9/5/2021 8:14:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT won't be what you expect it to be.
Unless you had similar experience before, it is not what you expect it to be Smile
Don't chase breakthroughs, because for many it means end of honeymoon with DMT.

Also don't be fearful, be full of love, remember breathing and good music helps Smile
#8 Posted : 9/5/2021 9:52:37 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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What you are looking for (non-identification with thoughts) is something you might want to look in meditation or zen practices at large. They go well with psychedelics but psychedelics can also take you to the opposite direction, that is, become preoccupied with the illusory experience.

I think I understand you. I have practiced zazen meditation in the past, but nowadays I stick just with mindfulness meditation, as I have found it the most straightforward for me. I also think (I may be wrong) that I understand the risks that you are talking about. I just can't seem to get to that point by myself, meditating alone. I am looking for a last push, or a peek behind the courtain, I don't know. Just to feel that it is possible, or not.

Meaningful use of psychedelics is a skill that takes practice. Learning discretion is important since not everything you experience is to be believed on face level. That said, taking just a short tour or going for just a single experience can be very meaningful. It's just that if you have a specific purpose, accomplishing that on the first try might be unrealistic.

That makes sense; and I understand that a success in the first try is unlikely. I won't be upset if I don't make it, and I might try again (or give up), but that is the experience I am getting ready for, and I would like to achieve it with the least possible number of tries.

What Alan Watts meant with his "after you get the call, hang up the phone" metaphor is, I believe, that you shouldn't use these substances impulsively and without intention. When you get a message, you should act accordingly. I think it's a misinterpretation of his words to think there is just a single message these substances convey and after you have got it, there's nothing more to get.

You are right. I was referring only to my goal, but you have explained it better than me. Just because I am interested in only this one message, it does not mean that there aren't other valid ones. After I get my message (and unless I get new questions), I would have to hang up the phone. But I over generalized earlier. I am sorry.

But whatever path you take, it's very important to stay true to your values and value your integrity.

Thank you.


Unless you had similar experience before, it is not what you expect it to be Smile
Don't chase breakthroughs, because for many it means end of honeymoon with DMT.

Also don't be fearful, be full of love, remember breathing and good music helps Smile

Thank you for your reply.

The thing is that this experience is what I came looking for. My interest in DMT began because it seems the best tool for this job. If that experience makes me dislike DMT, it's fine by me... Not only that, I would still be forever grateful to DMT. It there was a better method to achieve that experience, I wouldn't even be reading about DMT, so it would not make sense for me to take DMT without chasing it.

Thank you for the advice Smile
#9 Posted : 9/6/2021 3:18:25 AM

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Trip killers:

Any antipsychotic medications - Depressants. Those often help with anxiety and have minor sleeping properties.
Better prepare appropriate dosage beforehand, so you will not accidently take too much.
- Benzos is the most common one.
- Xanax is the second.
- Seroquel is an over kill, as it will immediately put you to sleep.
They often take up to 10minutes to take effect, so not really used for smoked DMT, as trips take around 15min. But, there is no pain in just having it. Who know what can happened.
It helps with mushrooms and Aya, as mushrooms can go for couple of hours and Aya for more then hour (in the extreme cases).

Psychedelics work well with fasting. Little bit of time after you felt hunger and then stopped feeling it.

For Aya there is a vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi4Vw-02oLA
But basically:
Eaten DMT requires MAO inhibitor and that one can be toxic if consumed after Tyramine-rich food.
Or any psychedelics, really..

Btw, Depressants and Antidepressant are not the same thing.
- I will delete/edit this post if I was "too exposing" or just stupid.
- Sorry for spelling errors
#10 Posted : 9/6/2021 2:06:38 PM

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Thank you for your answer Archimare!

That seems a bit overkill for me. I am pretty sure that those medications have not the same name in my country, and even if they do, they won't be sold without a prescription from my doctor. Anyway, I am okay with a "no way back" trip.

I will prepare as much as possible, but once I'm in, I'm in. And if it turns out to be a few hours in hell... Well, I can face those too.

I am thankful for the information and the time you took sharing it here, but it seems that, in my case, it's going to be riskier to make sure I get the same medications instead of some antidepressants, than to accept that there is no safety net for me.
#11 Posted : 9/6/2021 5:21:19 PM

My Personalized Tag

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Just my opinion:

Tea is better and easier than extracting and then smoking. The catch is you *need* a source of harmalas, such as Syrian rue.

By tea, I mean a long (30-60 min) boil of finely ground or shredded plant material with an acid, filtered and reduced to a drinkable amount. Rue seeds do not need to be ground. Boil and drink the two plants separately.

Dosage can be tricky; you'll surely have to lowball the first time since you aren't "risky" in your own words. A good place to start is probably 3 grams of mhrb and 3.5 grams of rue seeds. Personally I need a lot more mhrb but *never* go over 4-4.5 grams of rue seeds. (Assuming you will be using mhrb and rue, cause they are the easiest to procure and very potent.)

The advantages over smoking are many. Since you are an analytical soul I will list them:
- No waste (you only make as much as you intend to consume)
- Longer trip, thus more time to process and understand the headspace
- Slower comeup, less anxiety
- No noxious chemicals involved
- Raw plant material keeps a looong time if you don't use it

Someone on the forum once put it a way I liked: vaping pure DMT is like getting smacked in the face with a rainbow-coloured pillow. Before you can make any sense of it, it's gone.

As an aside I think having a trip killer handy just defeats the significance of surrendering control to the experience. I also think throwing everything away is a frustrating example of waste, though I understand the catharsis in it.

Happy travels!
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#12 Posted : 9/6/2021 10:11:29 PM

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Hello bismillah!

Thank you for your answer. After all I've read, I believe that if I do it, I am going to go that route. I mean, most of you have recommended oral ingestion, and it seems much easier to do than processing it and learning to smoke.

Also, thank you very much for going a bit more into detail with a recipe. I have looked at Tomtegubbe's recipe in their signature and I was mindblown at how easy it was. I can definitely make some good tea. In fact, that is how I consumed the psilocybin originally.

Thank you also for listing the advantages. They are, in fact, a big plus for me. Maybe, if it's only the two plants, I can keep them stored and hidden somewhere high (pun not intended), instead of throwing them away, just in case I don't get the right dose.

You people are being great help. It's very nice to read a community like this. Thank you all again.
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