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Weird dreams after having a 5mg microdose for first time Options
#1 Posted : 8/22/2021 4:23:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last night after some research It was time to try DMT, following the information on the spirit molecule website I started with a 5g micro-dose to get a feeling for it, make sure my emesh worked and to know the burn and taste, it was followed by an uncomfortable body high and some weird drug induced lucid dreams. I'm interested to know if taking more will reduce this uncomfortable feeling and do people normally have lucid dreams after taking DMT?

I played lateralus on my computer, shut off the screen and loaded 5g onto my emesh,
I exhaled the contents of my lungs then inhaled the vaporised spice after the intro. I held it for as long as I could, I wasn't expecting anything to happen but could feel the intense effects within about 15 seconds and had the taste take up my whole perception with a heavy feeling on my chest and a sense that I wanted to explode out of my body. The music stopped as the screen was closed.

There was a low pitch humming building and time didn't matter. It kind of felt like nitrous bulbs but more uncomfortable. I had my eyes open for the first minute but didn't have any visuals. I shut my eyes and could faintly see patterns but could not focus on them. I felt high kind of like on weed so got up to turn on tool again after about a minute.

The experience wasn't pleasant but I was fully conscious and was able to calm myself down and talk myself through it. I waited a couple of hours as intended to attempt it again with 20mg but while mentally I was calm my chest was beating so hard I could feel it. I spent an hour or so attempting to calm down but ultimately I thought it would be best to not attempt it again on the night.

After failing the attempt I went straight to sleep where weird lucid dreams followed. I was in a garden with a girl I don't know and my cat from growing up. The garden had 5 frogs sitting on lily pads, they didn't seem real and more like garden ornaments.

I was petting my cat and noticed a flea, I found it, removed it from my cat and squashed it, I looked down and there were tens, then hundreds of fleas attacking her. As I looked around there were bugs everywhere, they were crawling over the grass then over me, they started entering me and large snake like worms where surfacing out of the ground and lunging toward me and the girl. They didn't seem to hurt us. The trip in the dream started to subside and I was describing it to the girl.

While talking about the experience I could feel everything inside me pulling me towards the first frog, it started to levitate behind the girls head until it was in view above her. It opened its mouth and a bright white light shone out. After looking at it for a minute I looked away, it didn't look like a portal or anywhere I could enter.

I had another dream later about taking LSD with an old friend.

I normally don't have lucid dreams and generally can't remember my dreams after waking up, is this a normal part of taking DMT?

Thanks for any advice.

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#2 Posted : 8/22/2021 6:47:35 PM

Boundary condition

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Hello and welcome.

Weirdness is par for the course with DMT. If you imagine how ripe cheese can cause very weird dreams without noticeably affecting one's waking consciousness, it should be more clear how a small dose of DMT immediately before sleeping would have a similar effect on dreaming.

Of course, your dreams might always be that weird and, as you say, you simply don't remember them. It could be possible that DMT enhances dream recall - psychedelics are known to induce neurogenesis so there's your off-the-shelf hypothesis for how that could happen.

You seem to be familiar with cannabis, which has something of a reputation for suppressing dream recall (and, perhaps, memory function in general). It'll be interesting to hear how your response to cannabis fares should you continue to explore DMT. There's an interpretation to your dream that springs to mind - but first, what would you say it might mean?

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#3 Posted : 8/23/2021 3:19:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi downwardsfromzero,

Thanks for your reply and welcome. I haven't smoked weed in 10 years as I get paranoia and sometimes feel like I'm a robot or have visual hallucinations. I'm an extreme lightweight with both cannabis and LSD.

I think 10 years of taking ecstasy squashed my dreams, I generally don't have them, this was very unique and very lucid. I'm not sure what the bugs represent, I have never had paranoia about bugs.

I would say this was my mind's way of telling me how I will need to enter the DMT state, I had to give myself fully to it, it felt like an intense pull toward the light that I couldn't control and that I felt a little psychotic from.

I'm pretty nervous about taking DMT, I thought I would be good as I have done many other drugs over the years, but my first glimpse let me know I will have zero control. Would you recommend going forward with a 20mg dose to get through the initial stage or build up from 15mg, and what steps if any would you take to get ready? As stated it didn't feel like anything I could do would have any bearing on the experience.
Dirty T
#4 Posted : 8/23/2021 8:48:39 PM

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I have encountered various beings both on high and low dosages of Psilocybin and DMT that purposefully try to make you look away for whatever reason. You seem to have encountered a more polite and inviting being on this travel, they can be much darker and more sinister. I personally have a policy in place after countless journeys that I never look away when they try to force it. My last trip to hyperspace was rather pleasant but ended as an orange machine elf filled the entire right side of the section of space I was in and extracted my right eye to show me how it looked. Although it was painless as I stared at my eye (this is with my eyes open) the elf expanded to a gigantic size and I fell back to my body. Visual patterns and shapes persisted for 5 to 10 minutes afterward. The experience was strange to say the least.

Every trip is different and have different meanings. I meditate before, during, after and between journeys to help my spirit absorb the meanings of my experiences.
#5 Posted : 8/23/2021 11:58:40 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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That sounds pretty crazy Dirty T, I can't relate to that experience in any drug I have done, but like you have suggested, I have increased my meditation to separate my self from my thoughts before doing a real dose. Not there yet, but have been able to completely eradicate thought in the past just by telling my mind "I know" before it finished a thought, which led to the highest awareness I have had with or without drugs.

Is it a good idea to have the mind-set of nothing can harm you? Or is that naive and not taking it seriously?
Dirty T
#6 Posted : 8/24/2021 5:43:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I had a careless attitude about LSD once, I ended up stuck on a couch for 6 hours with reality dissolved and surrounded by monsters and closing my eyes only made it worse. I couldn't move or speak, I was completely paralyzed. I only took 2 doses that night, I had taken 4 three nights earlier and barely had any effects.

My point is any type of psychedelic should be taken seriously. Altered states of consciousness are a very real phenomena and all types of bizarre things can happen. DMT is super intense. I haven't personally had a bad experience with it and hope I don't and will continue to treat it with respect.
#7 Posted : 8/25/2021 8:20:31 PM

Boundary condition

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Back to an earlier question, 15mg is probably best as the next step. It sounds as though you'll benefit from getting accustomed more gently. Sometimes things have a habit finding their own course so be open to that as well - if, say, an extra chunk falls onto the scale and you've weighed out 18mg instead then it'll be fine too.

A lot of posts across the forum in the past few days contain information that I feel will be helpful for those preparing to explore DMT, so dig in and have a good read.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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