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Ego Death and Rebirth Options
#1 Posted : 7/13/2021 5:07:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 09-Jan-2021
Last visit: 11-Feb-2022
Location: Earth
Set: Had an interesting DMT trip about an hour earlier. I have been doing a smaller dose trip to ready myself for a heavier dose. I have been feeling amazing mentally as of recent. I have struggled with depression for many years and the past year I have been without depression. I take no medication. Physically, I am in my living room on my couch. My cat several feet from me sleeping. The time around 11pm. At about 2 hours before.
Pretrip (some details)-
I have been smoking out of a small bong that I add I mix of free base DMT and dried ground tea leaves to. The bowl now contains a bottom layer of ash and a top layer of about 60% DMT and 40% tea leaves mixed.
The Trip-
I took three total hits from the bong holding each hit at least 10 second if not longer. Each hit from the bong slightly larger than the last. The bowl burned very slow and even. By the third hit, I could feel the effects coming on very strong. I remember exhaling the smoke and not even seeing anything in the air. The world around me just seemed to become something or somewhere different. The transition escapes my memory. I was no longer me. I was something but yet I was nothing. A soul? I was shown around and experienced things here by unknown beings. I not sure what. Time seemed to last forever. Then I can remember hands reaching for me. I was being (re)born. It's like my soul was slipped back into my Earthly body and I began to come to. I held my hands up and began to examine them. The room seemed foreign to me at first. I thought I was in a room in DMT space but it was my reality. Was a strange feeling forgetting your own living room at first.
This trip was absolutely amazing. Words don't do it justice. I can best describe it as being in the matrix, taken out, then put back in. As I wrote in my journal "it was not a trip, it felt like a journey"
Safe travels everyone. Spread love and kindness
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#2 Posted : 7/13/2021 6:06:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 280
Joined: 09-Jan-2021
Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
Those trips are great. Theres that moment when everything disintegrates back into normal reality and you regain your bearings. First things start to become familiar again, then you wonder what is in your hand and wonder why am i holding this pipe? Oh yeah, thats got something to do with what just happened....
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
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