Hey best wishes, I finished a 7 day water fast last month, I like to fast atleast 7 days once a year, however this last fast shook me up a little as I was already at a low body weight, I also ate mushrooms a day or so after breaking it and my body and mind weren't up for the task of steadying myself. I highly recommend you rest as much as possible and maintain your meditation regime, and break with raw food etc fruit leaves I'm sure you know whats up. I would advise you give yourself a week to recover before using Tryptamines etc, harmalas are fine though.
Also water fasting beyond 7 days will surely yield a positive result regarding your skin issues, one of the fastest things that clear up for me on water fasts is my skin.
Also check out John Rose on YouTube regarding juice "fasting", in my experience extended juice feasting 60 days + has been far more powerful and useful then water fasting, but both are mighty special tools .. but juice feasting really cleans the intestines and colon of the mess we all have inside us, allows the body to use that organ as a channel of elimination.
Enjoy your fast, I like to listen to the essene gospel of peace book 1 audio while I'm fast n also, you might like to give it a listen!
The self that talks doesn't know, the self that knows doesn't talk.