so im sitting on my front porch and my 3 year old boy has himself a glass jar half full of juice, and a little packet of what passes for pop rocks these days. like a cool aid packet.. (im just sitting back, watching to see what hes up to, not offering any input.) he takes the pop rock packet, goes eye level with the jar and dumps just a little in.. and stares it while carefully puts down the packet. he then runs in the house and comes back with a spoon, jabbers something that i took to mean he was explaining something and begins to stir.. i start to lose focus when he brings me back by handing me the spoon and glass and asking me to stir it really fast because we are trying to make it "SPLOD!" with hand gestures and all.. I kinda started cracking up and asked him just to be sure, and indeed we were doing an experiment and our goal is to make the jar of juice "SPLOD"
so i kinda tried to tell him that wasnt gonna happen, but i stirred it and handed it back to him..he sets it back on the table and grabs a couple spicy hot pringles and stirs them into it.....His eyes get huge and he looks at me and exclaims, "IT TURNED BLUE!!, IT TURNED BLUE, LOOK DADDY IT TURNED BLUE!!"
By now, im just staring in amazement at his little mind carefully and meticulously adding a little of this, stirring, stirring harder, failing, persisting, getting a reaction, and observing it. it was so awesome..
then he goes back inside, comes out with 2 shot glasses, fills them up and goes over to the swing and shares with his sister......
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.