thank you for the replies.
i am not really sure what is in it to be honest. definitely no bark or soup, my guess is probably the odd dust particle or something that got into the naphtha solution before crystallization. or it could even be that it is just particularly gunky DMT that is fine to smoke.
basically it is all the stuff that has come out questionable from my first few extractions, all combined into one pile. just a few gunky, earwax looking blobs really.
i am okay losing a little DMT. great ideas about pre-soaking and rinsing the filter, thank you.
perhaps i would be better off learning a proper cleaning method that will also properly filter impurities. i should learn that anyway and it would kill two birds with one stone (i dont know why i say that, i love birds).
my motivation for this thinking is because i did a re-X on a blob once and it turned out to be a small hair that had gotten into the naphtha and formed crystals on its surface. i thought this would be a quick and simple solution using things i already have, but the truth is i do not know for sure what the contaminations are.
can anybody suggest a simple purifying method?
i have seen one involving activated charcoal and baggies, but i will need to get some activated charcoal. maybe there is a method that will be simpler for me though. i will dig through the wiki and duckduckgo and see what i can find.
thank you for the help
i have been looking at the activated charcoal method and it seems it is often responsible for high losses. so i think i will try running a naphtha solution through a filter first, then if that is not enough i will use activated charcoal.
i dont mind yellow DMT so hopefully that should be enough on its own.
thank you for the help