Hello Arcturus.
Glad to see that DMT has been of benefit to you. I do not agree with you that DMT is like any other substance. I feel there are major differences between other types of drugs and tryptamine psychedelics. I also feel I agree with the point you are trying to make however, and to be honest the psychedelic and esp DMT and 5meoDMT subcultures host some fairly weird and deluded people. In the end, psychedelics are not going to save the world. I just do not think they work that way.
I dont pay attention to much here anymore, I just lurk here and there mostly so I have nothing to add about new member promotion etc. I will say (and noone take this the wrong way) that I feel that for myself the magic of this place that I felt back in 2008-2013 era or so to be pretty much gone. A lot of awesome people who I respected back then are gone(and some remain). I feel that there was more innovation from this place back then, and that currently the political landscape has creeped into every space of the internets causing a divide that would be silly to deny. I am sure others far older than I felt this way years ago about places they frequented in the 90's. I just can not get that same feeling back that there is (for me) a community here that is as nourishin as what I experienced back then.
There was def more of a perveived renegade psychedelic explorative mindset back then, from my end and I have had others echo the sentiment. It's in part, just the times I feel.
Oh well, psychedelics are as fascinating as ever, the world surrounding them just isnt.
Long live the unwoke.