The ..[plenty vaporizer]... has a reputation for being high quality and i remember good reports on Nexus a couple years back forvaping changa...
I just got a [plenty vape] just recently and tryedit out with some ..[dmt infused caapi leaf]]
Well..i used a light amount of leaf and stretched the dmt a little light..and results were not that great as i observed only a very small light amount of visable vapor come up?
[maybe im using the device wrong?]

... when i took a draw the flow felt a little restricted like a water pipe would act if you didnt remove your finger from the carberator?
I only mixed into the ..cappi leaf one and one half droppers of spice tincture thought was pretty strong....?
I concidered the 1 and 1/2 droppers strong because i previously put only 5 and 8 drops of the same tincture at a time into some choreboy pad ...and using a torch lighter it vaped fast and could easily see vapor appere in small water pipe..
Maybe i stretched the almost 2 droppers of tincture too far/? inthe amount of leaf i used?
Ive read on past nexus posts that ..[changa]... works great with the [plenty..vaporizer.
So mayed i got my ratios off.. concidering i was using a spice tincture in grain acohol?
I always have to alow the alcohol evaporate from whatever herb i infused it onto...
I appears that straight dmt will hard to vape through the [plenty] unless i use a material to infuse it on to?
Because the other way...using a torch lighter ..i can vaporize as little as 5 ..drops of tincture and quickly get a visible vapor that is felt very strongly when taken in...
It appears that i must use a lot more spice when using an electrict desk top vaporizer with dmt/
and that seems wastfull of spice !
because im new to this vaporizor....I would like to be able to vaporize 10 15...or 20 mgs of spice in the plenty..but not shure it would work right?
Has Any one used the [plenty vape]/? any advice welcome!
[could there be a carberator control on the plenty ..i wasnt aware of?]