Firstly I want to express gratitude for this community. It’s been a valuable source of info over a number of years lurking in the background. I have had a couple of accounts previously but at the time I wasn’t logging on much and didn’t post either, and then prob because of my inaction I found I couldn’t get access to them any longer. Anyhow, I’m here now, with a new account that I will certainly be utilising far more. I looking forward to connecting with others and being more pro-active on that front. I would love more of a sense of community around this medicine as although I have good friends within the medicine community, I find it harder to find people who have a strong relationship with Spice, and I find myself becoming a bit of a ‘dmt bore’ wanting to discuss these experiences with others who may not feel such an affinity with it, so I hope to find more of that here.
I first discovered Spice around 5 years ago when I had exhausted more traditional routes to overcome depression. It was a huge game changer at the time and my relationship with it has been unfolding ever since. I truly love this medicine and feel enormous gratitude for the states of consciousness it has allowed me to experience, for the emotional releases, the awe inspiring visions, and the teachings that it has allowed me. When I first vaporised it 5 years ago, I was in a very challenging place in my life; my relationship with myself was at rock bottom, my confidence was shattered and I felt caught up in cycles of sadness & apathy. All these feelings left me unable to see this life for what it truly can be. And then I found N,N-DMT and so began a journey of realising how little I know & how much there is yet to discover on this human journey, how much potential wonder and amazement there can within these timeless eternal states of consciousness, and how much this process of working with different medicines would influence the person I would begin to grow into. And I’ve slowly learnt to fall in love with myself again (albeit, I still have my moments & challenge but life is pretty damn good now).
And...I finally got round to doing my first Spice extraction the other day, utilising “Cybs’ Hybrid ATB “Salt” Tek”. I’ve been wanting to do it for ages and it was such a joy to go through that process, from the original plant material to some gorgeous fluffy dmt at the end of it! Yay. I can’t wait to do it again already.
Anyhow, I look forward to sharing and reading more here, learning & feeling more connected to this community. Thank you to all