I hypothesize it's possible to intelligently target the healing of specific body systems by using psychedelics at a specific time of day. I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who noticed a circadian/time connection with psychedelics and body issues.
I've been working intensely with Aya for a few months to heal some autoimmune/organ inflammation type things.
I have been drinking consistently at 11pm, after everyone in my house & my neighbor's cross-eyed dog goes to sleep
I share Jeremy Narby's opinion that much of shamanism is the brain's symbolic way of communicating to the conscious mind about the inner workings of our molecular biology. I stumbled upon some Aya lore talking about how different spirits come at different hours. 8-10pm is when the earth/elemental spirits come, and 11pm-3am is when the celestial beings come.
The 11pm-3am caught my attention because I recalled this being linked to an important window of healing in TCM. I also thought it was interesting because no matter how much I take, what time I start, or for how long it feels like I'm in hyperspace, almost always I'm done like clockwork at 3am. So, body cycles. It was like this when I drank in the past, too - always done at 3am.
Note: specifically it's the effects of the harmalas that follow this schedule for me, DMT does its own thing and seems dose-dependent, rather than time-of-day dependent.
I decided to experiment with the 8-10pm window, and the same thing happened - I was done at 10pm, whether I started early or late.
It's not a far stretch to reason that psychedelics could have an interplay with our circadian rhythm/hormonal cycles.
One of the things I've been dealing with is a pericardial effusion. My chest pain got enormously better after ceremony when I switched the time I drink (starting at 8pm).
And wouldn't you know...
I've ordered a bunch of books on TCM & Aya. I'm only starting a deep dive on the subject, but the amount of similarities are staggering. I'm curious if there's an overlap with Aryuveda, but I know very little about that.
Depending on what you need from the medicine, it might not hurt to consult the TCM body clock and see if it supercharges your ceremony. Please report back if you do!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test