Hi Matoskah,
I truly appreciate your post.
Its kind of amazing, but I dont see enough talk about the DMT experience. You hear of methods, of mindless chatter, and its like...yeah, but what about the experience? Wasn't that the most amazing thing ever? What is the science behind this? Whats the MEANING?
Talk about alienation.
Even amongst DMT users, one feels out of touch.
And as for those who dont know...they CANT know.
Theres a reason Gotama The Awakened One, didnt talk of such matters as hyperdimensional travels and complex and multidimensional ultimate truths, unless around Arahants.
If I know your sect, I anticipate your argument. And I havent encountered an original thinker in so long, it seems like everything anyone says is part of some ideology, highly predictable, rehashed, unsophistacated, second hand "knowledge."
"In this world
In this night
Nothing that could be said is true"
As for reminiscing of my experiences...I used to travel using music, so that I can listen to those songs and experience ultimate psychedelia. The songs, with 2 puffs of cannabis, or an Aya tea, will immedietly bring back memories. Chills down my spine. Haunted by what I've seen forever. But also very BLESSED. The whole integration process has given me powers, like being able to see the DMT realm in everything around me, so that there is not one second where I am not in some way reminiscing of my experiences. Also, all my sleep and dreaming process has become multidimensional, and in the minutes between hipnagogia and restful sleep, I always see a mandala and encounter entities and feel COSMIC LOVE.
At some point, I did recognize as part of my superficial identity, that I am a Shaman. For ill or for good, I have the tools and the knowledge that alienate me from the shallowness and simple mindedness of most of the world, and even a vast proportion of intelectuals.
For this, I have decided to not form part of society. And to not let people into my heart who are foolish, and only let those in who are equals or better than me.
And even as a loner, my expression of the knowledge eternal has sent ripples down my circles, so that just recently a friend grew and dosed mushrooms, and told me he talked to a tree and that it was beautiful. Meanwhile, this same person had laughed his head off when I was talking about the DMT experience. Which just goes to show...
Behold, a sower went out to sow