First time posting here, although I have been lurking for a while. So I’ll keep it short and sweet just a little about myself, I’m a young adult living in the US. I know this country must be the laughing stock of the world right now with the election and the virus and rioting. But everyone has been going through some amount of stress and I hope everyone is surviving and well. These are strange times and change is happening. I even had to move out of California due to COVID and not having a job(it was a restaurant). Things do seem to be getting better, that was months ago. I’ve been thinking about starting to smoke weed again since finding a new job, but sobriety hasn’t been bad at all. And imagine the money saved. I’m curious what your thoughts are on this, back home I smoked every day and obviously I don’t think that’s a good idea but has anyone ever quit and started back up again? I had some with a coworker and it was strange, I got short of breath and had a racing heart. So I’m thinking of changing my habits and cutting back on the beer intake as well. Anyway I’m rambling so I hope to hear from you all soon! And sincerely hope everyone is doing well!