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Greetings, and Hedgehogs Options
Allegro Vivo
#1 Posted : 10/6/2020 11:35:42 PM

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I'm coming to entheogens late. Although I have a long-standing if infrequent relationship with cannabis and a more recent one with kratom, it's only been in the last year or so that psychedelic substances have become an interest. And an abiding one.

In that year I've toyed around with psylocibin mushrooms and LSD, but knew that I would eventually be heading in the direction of DMT. (I also tried cooking down some San Pedro cactus but it was ineffective; either my tek was wrong or I had a non-psychoactive variety; that or you really need to get this stuff from a much higher altitude.)

I began by reading: Michael Pollan's fine book, Stanislav Grof's books, Rick Strassman's DMT research book; Terence McKenna variously both in print and on YouTube; and other online material. The volume is astonishing and I can say with no exaggeration that I've barely scratched the surface.

This Nexus seems to me to be the prime location for information, support, exploration and a sense of community. I'm very glad I've found it and look forward to learning and eventually contributing. (I'm planning to stick with the former for awhile... at least until I know what I'm talking about.)

I'm humbled by the breadth of knowledge here... wow. No doubt I'll spend many hours combing through it and taking notes, eventually asking questions that I hope won't sound too stupid.

For me DMT represents an ultimate challenge as well as a potential life-changing experience. I realize these words sound trite! Since embarking on this new direction in my life I've refined and deepened my goals - if that's even the word I want.

I started by thinking that exploring worlds outside my own consciousness, my blinkered understanding of the way reality works would give me insight into what's "out there" as well as what's "in here". And while that is certainly still true, I've come to believe that if I do it right I stand a good chance of becoming more than myself in the process. If what I've read is true - and I surely believe it to be so - then the breakthrough DMT journey will reveal things unseen, unimagined, unbounded. Assuming I get it right.

So, the present. I'm shortly planning my first extraction and as of this writing have everything I need. I'm both apprehensive and excited by this - the former mainly because I have zero background in chemistry. I've spent a lifetime in the arts and last took a science class in high school. And that was awhile back. And it wasn't chemistry.

Thanks to all of you for reading and for creating and continuing this amazing forum. I look forward to all of it.

PS: that questionnaire is tough. Esp for someone like me. Worked a number of hours on it already, no idea how much is left. But I'm learning a lot!

(oh, and hedgehogs)

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/7/2020 8:28:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome and good luck with your extraction!Thumbs up
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
Violet Quark
#3 Posted : 10/8/2020 8:49:58 PM

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Don't worry about asking stupid questions.
It's better that than doing something that might be harmful.
Allegro Vivo
#4 Posted : 10/8/2020 8:57:51 PM

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Thank you, potnoble, I really appreciate it.

I'm shooting for this coming Saturday, although I'm still vacillating between Cybs Hybrid and Max Ion. The former seems easier - a big plus for a neophyte - but the latter is reputed to be better in terms of yield. I also like the idea of the pictures in the Cybs tek here.

Here's a quick question for whomever is reading:

Will using Pyrex baking dishes with cling wrap covers keep the NPS smell out of my freezer reliably? I must admit that I'm not entirely confident in my wrapping skills. I also have small round glass containers with snap-on plastic lids. Okay, or would the plastic contaminate the pull? Also have Mason jars though I'm concerned about crystal removal from them.

Allegro Vivo
#5 Posted : 10/8/2020 10:54:17 PM

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Violet Quark wrote:
Don't worry about asking stupid questions.
It's better that than doing something that might be harmful.

Thanks, VQ. I'm sure I'll have them in abundance.
#6 Posted : 10/9/2020 12:08:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Allegro Vivo wrote:
Thank you, potnoble, I really appreciate it.

I'm shooting for this coming Saturday, although I'm still vacillating between Cybs Hybrid and Max Ion. The former seems easier - a big plus for a neophyte - but the latter is reputed to be better in terms of yield. I also like the idea of the pictures in the Cybs tek here.

Both of Cyb's Teks, for me, work amazingly well, and amazingly easily.
My suggestion would be to try the one that seems easier, to you.
Apparently, there is a measurable improvement in yield with the Max Ion, but when I extract from, typically 100 to 200 grams of MHRB, it produces so much spice that I don't care about the difference. For me, it is huge quantities, always about 2% yield. So, multiple grams, for many people, is quite alot. Trying to squeeze another 40-60 milligrams sometimes is not worth it.

But that is specifically MHRB.

I do have one comment, you mention this Saturday, keep in mind that things can take a little longer than you planned especially if you are doing freeze thaws, etc. I'm never in a hurry, and my last pulls are commonly a week after I started. Again, that's just me.

Allegro Vivo wrote:
Here's a quick question for whomever is reading:

Will using Pyrex baking dishes with cling wrap covers keep the NPS smell out of my freezer reliably? I must admit that I'm not entirely confident in my wrapping skills. I also have small round glass containers with snap-on plastic lids. Okay, or would the plastic contaminate the pull? Also have Mason jars though I'm concerned about crystal removal from them.


In my experience, cling wrap works just fine.
I just pull one layer tight over the top and don't have issues with spill or odor in the freeze. Please feel confident in that regard.

Also, there are so many tips and conversations here in the forums, lots of reading for you, will answer many of your concerns.

You'll be fine, good luck.
" Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon
"No, they never did turn me into a toad." - Pete (O Brother, Where Art Thou?)
"Are you a time traveller?" "No, I think I'm more of a time prisoner." - Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll)
Allegro Vivo
#7 Posted : 10/9/2020 3:14:45 AM

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Hey Sunnyside - thanks a million, that's a tremendous reply and has put me at ease. Yes, no question, it's reading, reading, reading! And note-taking. And then more reading. I'm gratified to read your comments about Max Ion and have decided to start with Cybs. No point in, as the expression goes, making the perfect the enemy of the good. (or something like that)

As for time: yes again, I'm prepared for however long it takes. Starting Saturday, no time limit allowed.

What a tremendous group of people here.
#8 Posted : 10/9/2020 3:26:33 AM
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I came here for hedgehogs. I am bitterly dissapointed.

#9 Posted : 10/9/2020 9:08:50 AM

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Hi Allegro

You should use your pyrex dish. The wrap keeps the smell out of the fridge.
Remove your dish quickly from the fridge and carefully pour the solvent off.
Maybe even use a coffe filter but the crystals should stick to your dish.
I usually use a roll of kitchen tissue and place the dish upside down,
so one side is on top of it.
Then i aim a fan on low blowing over the dish gently.
If any water is there it will run away from the goodies.

And then my friend you have some beautiful snow crystals. Smile

Hope you succeed!

Have a gud one
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
Allegro Vivo
#10 Posted : 10/9/2020 8:25:48 PM

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Squidfayce wrote:
I came here for hedgehogs. I am bitterly dissapointed.

Figured out how to attach a photo, viz. below. Now that wasn't so hard.
Allegro Vivo
#11 Posted : 10/12/2020 6:48:07 PM

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Update: I completed my first Cybs extraction and got about .5-.6g from 50g MHRB. I expected a bit more but can't complain since it worked, and moreover was a ton of fun! All but the pulling off the NPS. That was tough, and I realize I'd have done better with a shorter pipette: on the shopping list.

But that's all so much soup under the bridge. Onward and upward.
Allegro Vivo attached the following image(s):
HH.JPG (4,098kb) downloaded 55 time(s).
#12 Posted : 10/22/2020 12:16:27 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I don't really have much to contribute on the topic of DMT, but since this is now a hedgehog thread, here's one I cast in aluminium a week ago:

It may be a coincidence, but I've spotted a lot more flesh-and-blood hedgehogs since putting this little guy in the front yard.
Allegro Vivo
#13 Posted : 10/22/2020 7:07:57 PM

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AR: nice 'hog! I'm envious since we don't have them where I live. You must also get some interesting mushrooms.
#14 Posted : 10/23/2020 1:13:33 AM
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Allegro Vivo wrote:
AR: nice 'hog! I'm envious since we don't have them where I live. You must also get some interesting mushrooms.

Oh absolutely. I'm really new to foraging wild mushrooms but it turns out amanita muscaria is abundant here if you know where to look. I'd never seen one in the wild until a little over a week ago and now I've already dried over 30 grams. Also, you see some wacky shrooms if you're out looking for them anyway.

And here's a very bold little hedgehog that didn't mind getting its picture taken.
Allegro Vivo
#15 Posted : 10/23/2020 7:13:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Now THAT's the best picture on the internet. At least this week.

Bravo on the fungus and the 'hog! Bordeaux?
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