The White Haired Cat
Posts: 158 Joined: 09-May-2020 Last visit: 21-May-2024 Location: Moon River
A bad trip has never been something I've been scared of. I always thought I'd be ready to turn the trip around and make something of it. NOT THIS TIME. I've definitely had the same amount of mushrooms before and that being a very pleasant trip, seeing dark skinned looking people, not black but brown skinned, however there faces weren't of African descent. Not being threatening at all. This trip was out of my control. Starting this trip off I went outside to look up at the moon and stars. The night was clear, no clouds in the sky. The full moon brighter than I've ever seen before, staring at it shot a ringing sensation on my ears and making me flinch. I started to feel rather unpleasant. Going back inside and laying down on my bed was the worst part to come. I started seeing fucked up faces, they looked similar to the dark skinned beings I saw on a previous trip. These much worse looking faces were demonic. Yellow eyes, black skin, bald, mouths having some sorts of big piercings, chains, or not having a jaw at all. I was stuck with these things in my head the whole time, even when closing my eyes or being open. I'm great at making a healthy environment and sustaining it for trips but I couldn't do a single thing this time. I feel really disappointed in myself. I don't think I'll be taking mushrooms anytime soon. Sticking to DMT. Regardless I'm taking a break, that was bit too much. I can't understand how they stayed in my head the whole trip. I've laughed off bug/plant demons before, they have definitely tried to feed off me but I took care of them as soon as they appeared. This thing felt stronger. My mind is strong and healthy, nothing has deterred me like this before. I assume a long good break should fix this. This won't stop me from hyperspace travel, I have yet to fully explore this space. Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming Phangz wrote: "this is your height on dmt.."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 260 Joined: 05-Jul-2015 Last visit: 02-Nov-2024
I feel for you wanderingcat... bad shroom trips can suck big time. Makes you not wanting to come anywhere near shroom... This too shall pass
 Long live the Kings of Righteousness
Posts: 194 Joined: 20-Sep-2020 Last visit: 15-Apr-2022
You'll be okay. I feel you though. Behold, a sower went out to sow
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 377 Joined: 19-Aug-2017 Last visit: 15-Jan-2021
I've had many challenging trips, the kind where by the end I'm asking what in the hell I do this for and will I ever want to trip again. Nine times out of ten I'm good to trip again two weeks later Give yourself some time to stabilize and reflect before committing to anything.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 321 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-Nov-2021
FWIW, I have read quite a few very experienced trippers over the years advise against the "in-between" doses on mushrooms.
The general idea (using average dry cube strength) is that
--doses below 2g* are often not too enjoyable, because you never actually "enter the room" of a true psychedelic space, so you just end up disoriented, with an asymmetrical imbalance of regular consciousness and psychedelic elevation tussling for control.
--doses from 2g up to the 3.5g are the sweet spot for most people seeking a good, immersive psychedelic headspace that remains generally controllable and mentally coherent.
--doses above 3.5g up to 5g tend to contain the most common "nightmare" trip reports, because you're trapped between the powerful influence of the psychedelic experience but still not completely "un-anchored" from your mind's willpower to stay grounded-- leading to a hard friction/struggle that can get away from you quickly.
--doses 5g and above removes any remaining "anchor" to normal mental states, allowing full transcendental expansion and (assuming good mental set going in) free, uninhibited entry into the heavenly spheres, as it were.
Of course the standard disclaimer that every person, mushroom, and circumstance is unique-- so this is not anything like a guarantee for you... but there's wisdom in the principles.
*micro-dosing (done properly) is sub-perceptual, so is not reflected in the list
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 359 Joined: 30-Nov-2019 Last visit: 23-Mar-2024 Location: yharnam
Keep your head up This will be like a bad dream in a few days. A few weeks break will help and maybe reveal some good insights. Have a gud one Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character, unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it. Alexander Shulgin
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 377 Joined: 19-Aug-2017 Last visit: 15-Jan-2021
coAsTal wrote:FWIW, I have read quite a few very experienced trippers over the years advise against the "in-between" doses on mushrooms. ... --doses above 3.5g up to 5g tend to contain the most common "nightmare" trip reports ... --doses 5g and above removes any remaining "anchor" to normal mental states, allowing full transcendental expansion and (assuming good mental set going in) free, uninhibited entry into the heavenly spheres, as it were. I've seen many endorse that opinion and it is, in fact, why my default cubensis dose is 7 grams. I just always feel hesitant to advocate that because beginners may not be ready for full immersion. Frankly, a series of bad trips in the 3,5-5 gram range will mature them as trippers so they can handle the less common but much deeper bad trip on 7-12 grams. For a long time mushrooms mostly caused fear and anxiety in me because I was dosing 3,5-4,5 grams. Eventually, after learning to face that, I just threw myself into deeper doses to see what work could be done. And that's when I found the magic. I mean, if people keep tripping they'll eventually eat moar drugz all on their own and discover 7 grams, right? By all means, if you think you can keep your shit together dive right in with 5,5 or 7 grams. No second guessing, once you swallow the dose just trust your sober judgement and know that you'll be fine. That tactic has helped be through some phenomenal doses that were even high enough to induce amnesia. Even when I forgot who or what I was I held on to that sense that something knew I could handle this, and in the end I did.
 The White Haired Cat
Posts: 158 Joined: 09-May-2020 Last visit: 21-May-2024 Location: Moon River
I've had a very profound experience on dmt where I had broken through to a place where I call "The Womb of the Universe." Finding this place where I have theories of me being born there before I was human. Some sort of entity there would judge when I was ready for birth and to be human. If I was okay. I've had many more dmt, ayahuasca and mushroom trips. Mushroom trips all taking around 3.5 to 4.10g. This one obviously being my first bad trip on anything. Even trips where I've experienced something demonic I'd easily turn the whole thing around. Before my trips start I light sweetgrass and meditate all the way up to the trip. By then the whole room is taken up with me. My energy envelopes all. If anything bad enters I can devour it. This demon wouldn't get out of my face after the moon shocked me. Couldn't stop being stressed and angry the whole time. The whole trip my strength felt lacking. Feeling caught off guard. If I'm ever to encounter it again It's not going to last even a few seconds. DMT works as a shotgun does to varmits in pumpkin patch! Thank you all for encouragement. I plan to come back to hyperspace very soon but with dmt. Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming Phangz wrote: "this is your height on dmt.."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 218 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 26-Aug-2022
I wonder whether it has to do with full moon that led to that adverse experience or it could very well also related to the place you were at, just guesses.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 243 Joined: 25-Nov-2009 Last visit: 02-May-2024 Location: argentina
Mapacho ( i preffer snuff) is a good ally to kill bad spirits ...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 82 Joined: 22-Aug-2020 Last visit: 04-Dec-2023
WanderingCat wrote: I'm great at making a healthy environment and sustaining it for trips but I couldn't do a single thing this time. I feel really disappointed in myself. I don't think I'll be taking mushrooms anytime soon. Sticking to DMT. Regardless I'm taking a break, that was bit too much.
I can't understand how they stayed in my head the whole trip. I've laughed off bug/plant demons before, they have definitely tried to feed off me but I took care of them as soon as they appeared. This thing felt stronger.
I had almost this exact thing happen to me recently, and it seems to me that when it really comes down to it, little grubby humans have no control at all over what will happen to them in these spaces. The thing is greater than us, and sometimes it has plans that it isn't easily going to set aside. I don't think trips are meant to 'good', or that a pleasant trip is even the ideal trip, but rather that every trip builds on your unconsciously (or consciously) amalgamated idea of what the psychedelic experience is and means, and if you are only getting one strata of experience, you will be sure to miss the point. There's only so much you can do to guide the experience, and if it happens to veer of into some demented horror show, that's by no means any fault of your own.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4612 Joined: 17-Jan-2009 Last visit: 07-Mar-2024
coAsTal wrote:FWIW, I have read quite a few very experienced trippers over the years advise against the "in-between" doses on mushrooms.
The general idea (using average dry cube strength) is that
--doses below 2g* are often not too enjoyable, because you never actually "enter the room" of a true psychedelic space, so you just end up disoriented, with an asymmetrical imbalance of regular consciousness and psychedelic elevation tussling for control.
--doses from 2g up to the 3.5g are the sweet spot for most people seeking a good, immersive psychedelic headspace that remains generally controllable and mentally coherent.
--doses above 3.5g up to 5g tend to contain the most common "nightmare" trip reports, because you're trapped between the powerful influence of the psychedelic experience but still not completely "un-anchored" from your mind's willpower to stay grounded-- leading to a hard friction/struggle that can get away from you quickly.
--doses 5g and above removes any remaining "anchor" to normal mental states, allowing full transcendental expansion and (assuming good mental set going in) free, uninhibited entry into the heavenly spheres, as it were.
Of course the standard disclaimer that every person, mushroom, and circumstance is unique-- so this is not anything like a guarantee for you... but there's wisdom in the principles.
*micro-dosing (done properly) is sub-perceptual, so is not reflected in the list Pretty well said here, and I agree with much of it based on my experience/s. Only thing I'll add is that over the course of time, for some folks, years of psychedelic usage on a somewhat continual basis can lead 'some' to an intense sensitization/awareness of this space [that the many psychedelics seem to hit from various angles given their pharmacodynamics]. Ime sensitization to the point of 3-4g being a complete break from immediate-reality, full dissolution into those light-filled lands. Now in reference to the OP: Last thing I'll say is that the mid-range straddling between these two realities, just suffice to say that the mushroom experience can be frought with many hair-pin turns, or what i've often called 'micro-moments', barely perceptible moments during the experience to where 'as soon as' I think 'oh this might not go well', or even just the most infintesimal thought of something negative [tbh the thought doesn't even have to be necessarily negative] in response/reaction to whats being experienced moment to moment, second to second - the experience can take & run with this instantaneously, completely & effortlessly propelling one into spaces that aren't all that great, and sometimes that can be incredibly hard to pull oneself out of, especially if they're alone. Then throw in the sensitization bit I said above, add that in with the below paragraph, and well ..things can get hairy pretty quickly on occasion. It can certainly happen to the best of us, so. You certainly aren't alone, so don't feel too bad about it. <3
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 788 Joined: 24-Dec-2017 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Wholeheartedly agree on sub 2g doses. My last 1.4g kicked my ass so much that I am sticking to weed only these days  A lot of true and wise things were said in this thread. Quote:even just the most infintesimal thought of something negative [tbh the thought doesn't even have to be necessarily negative] in response/reaction to whats being experienced moment to moment, second to second - the experience can take & run with this instantaneously, completely & effortlessly propelling one into spaces that aren't all that great, and sometimes that can be incredibly hard to pull oneself out of, especially if they're alone. Yep it can be anything, some thought that you aren't even aware fully of at the moment. 2OP - I am staying off entheogens due to this, I want to sort life things and settle myself at peace before engaging again. Demons are in everyone, we just have to make amends with them.