ime going through extreme tough times of any kind (including taking drugs to feel "pain"
has only intensified my empathy. DMT when used in a calculated manner has also increased my empathy. i dont think DMT is the drug to use if you are trying to achieve the opposite effect. i could be wrong, i only have my own experiences to go on, but for me, it has enhanced my empathy.
why do you feel you are too empathetic? imo it is a rare personality trait that the world needs much more of!
empathetic people can often feel like they are being taken advantage of, but when you break life down to what truly matters they have a huge advantage.
perhaps the enlightenment you received was not the enlightenment you were expecting. forgetting what you have learnt is a horrible feeling, but dont let it hold you down, there is plenty more learning to do.
as far as the blackout/trance goes, it could be a matter of dose or combinations. i have not experienced this same thing. it could be a one time thing, or you could have been abusing it, knowingly or not.
maybe next time go slowly. it sounds like you have an intention, which is great, but dont rush it.