I'm a mathematics undergraduate who's interested in computer science, music, art, philosophy and psychedelics. I can enjoy almost any art gallery, but have a preference for modern and visionary art. I mainly listen to anything Simon Posford touches, psybient, psydub, psychedelic and stoner rock, psychedelic folk and world music, though, again, I have nothing against and can enjoy almost any other music genre.
I started dabbling in psychedelics when I took 250ug of LSD the day of my 18th birthday, the world changed for me that day. I felt like so much, which I ignored up until that point, was unveiled to me just thanks to this drug. In retrospect I am thankful for that, but I berate myself for not doing enough research before taking it. It was a very powerful experience which could have easily gone south, and I didn't prepare for it at all. I was lucky.
I went through a phase of inflated ego, because I believed I was somehow different from other people because of that experience. I also had an unhealthy obsession with psychedelics after that (I didn't take them for the next few months, but it was the main thing I thought about throughout the days). The next experience was rather dark and put me back in my place, the next month or so I had depersonalisation issues and a few unpleasant flashbacks. Luckily this didn't persist too long. I continued to experiment with psychedelics since then and developed (what I believe is) a healthy relationship with them, taking them rather scarcely, making notes and actively seeking to understand their effect on my consciousness.
Last year on a music festival a guy I met and spent time with told me he's got some changa he's made himself. Having already thought about taking DMT for quite a while, I told him I was interested. So he guided me through the experience, for which I am extremely grateful. He was very patient and made sure I was in the right condition to do it. It was a beautiful, divine experience, I have never experienced anything like it, it was nothing like I imagined, despite having read so much about it and having experience with other psychedelics. The set and setting was perfect - Hang Massive was playing in the background and I had a beautiful view on the surrounding landscape. I meditated before taking the leap and visualized what it is I seek from the drug (I was going to move away from my parents, so I was naturally worried about what was to come). I don't think I broke through, although after my last hit I had to lay down with my eyes closed. I didn't meet many entities, just one female spirit in the form of a kaleidoscopic stream of energy which was just reassuring me that whatever decisions I take in my life, I'll be fine (which is pretty much what I wanted to hear). It was very intense, yet much more manageable than I expected. The person who guided me wanted nothing in return, to this day I am indebted to him.
The second time I tried DMT was a month ago on an acid comedown, again it was changa (from the same person, I feel horrible for not having given anything back yet). This time I didn't manage to hold the hits long enough so I think a good portion of the DMT that went to waste. I had an open-eyed experience - I was mesmerized by the trees around me, which were woven into beautiful impossible knots, everything looked perfect, like computer graphics. I met no entity, just at one point I had a feeling I see a face of some mechanical robot like the one on the cover of Ott's Baby Robot single. I've heard electricity flowing through the nearby wires (they don't make any sound normally) and very primal repeated animal groans. It was a very interesting experience, but I was left regretful that I didn't hold the smoke in better. Although the experience itself was less intense than the first one, I started being much more interested in DMT since then.
And this is what brought me here. I want to learn more about DMT and other drugs and this place is a true treasure trove. I only did chemistry in high school, and I was not too good at it, but I think it has given me a solid ground to build on. I have a basic grasp of chemical kinetics, equilibria, redox processes and very basic organic chemistry. I would like to eventually extract some DMT myself, but I don't think I'll be able to perform an extraction anytime soon, as I share an apartment with other people who would not appreciate the smell. I'd like to at least understand the theory behind the extraction and the various teks to be able to do it once I will have the opportunity.
Despite my shortcomings in chemistry, I think I am able to contribute anywhere some programming skills would be needed, and I don't consider myself too bad with graphic design and visual arts (although I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people here who can do better). I'll link some examples to give you an idea of what I'm doing (the last one is a WIP).
I sincerely hope you'll accept me here and that my presence could bring something to the community.
Qux attached the following image(s):

Process 7.jpg
(85kb) downloaded 94 time(s).
(77kb) downloaded 94 time(s).
(234kb) downloaded 94 time(s).
(423kb) downloaded 93 time(s).
(104kb) downloaded 89 time(s).
(96kb) downloaded 89 time(s).It is only by my hand, by my face, my heart, my spirit
that either I will wither, or I will bloom,
I will become as green land, as tilled earth
I will germinate, I will sprout.