That is wonderful and as a former addict I want to thank you for not giving up on him and for not abandoning your friend. Many of us do really harmful stuff in our addictions, and when we want to come back find that everyone has gone. So good on ya! Good on him for paying you back, too!
Also, it is fortunate that this worked, or at least seems to have. I wonder if the fact that he came to you, not vice versa, helped. I hate acting like a gatekeeper, but I have decided to stop trying to give people DMT unless they come and have done their own research. DMT, or psychs in general, cannot "shake" someone out of addiction, ime&o. There has to be will and desire in the intent to use it, otherwise it becomes another drug, and with the built in anti-abuse mechanism within the DMT experience, I have seen it really mess a couple folks up who used it while within active addiction cycles. People can compulsively hit DMT until DMT hits them back, and then are completely turned off to it and any benefit is lost. And folks that are using tend to lie about it, and if they're any good at using, sometimes it's hard to tell.
I think there's something to what you said about giving larger amounts if a person is hitting it with intent. I'm curious though what your method was and what you mean by .5? Surely not half a gram? Do you mean .05- 50mg, cuz that's decent in a smoking method, my usual dose?
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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