"Capturing" the plant.. a dialogue on full spectrum extracts acacian wrote:Hi all,
I wasn't entirely sure on where to post this or whether I should really post it at all - but its something that I have done a lot of thinking about over the years on my journey with acacias and thought perhaps is a perspective worth sharing .. in fact it is a perspective already shared by some, but I wanted to create a thread where we might explore these ideas a little deeper.
In the current age where we can buy processed DMT containing plants as online "products", something I see is that people are missing what I would consider an important aspect of the tryptamine journey - which is connection to the lifeforms that synthesise these profound "messenger molecules" .. and rather than appreciating and honouring the fascinating host of compounds that many of these plants offer, a trend seems to have emerged among many that "pure = better" and anything that is not DMT ought to be removed from the extract as an "impurity" ..of course sometimes pure may be the best route.. but I think this is in someways an unfortunate strain of thought in that deeper insights may be missed..
In Australia I have noticed this attitude a lot in people who sell DMT and it unfortunately trickles down to the consumer... a product that can simply be bought with money - with little to no bearing on its origins in the plant kingdom... and I daresay.. a missing link in the journey that these molecules embark us on... the journey of connection or "oneness" with nature.
I'm not sure what else to say at this point - and I understand not everybody has the luxery of being spending time with these plants in their natural environment and so online purchase is the only other option aside from growing the plants... And I also don't mean to have a dig at anyone who simply prefers to use DMT in its pure form.. thats totally up to the individual's preference. But I would regardless like to invite anyone interested to join in dialogue in how we can best capture and honour the plants in our extracts? Eg, What solvents do you guys like to use to achieve this.. are there other steps you like to take in order to preserve potentially interesting compounds the plants contain? Are some of these compounds potentially toxic and how might you go about removing them?
I would be fascinated to hear the various strains of thought people have on full spectrum alkaloid extracts and the various approaches to them. I think if we only focus on DMT.. we may sadly miss the unique teachings that various plants offer us.
This is a topic I'm interested in and don't feel like waiting for the upgrade to real forum membership to participate in. I think something is definitely lost when pure chemicals are extracted from plant material. I suspect Changa preparations go some way to re-nature refined DMT and connect the user back to nature spirits of the plant material in the mix.