DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 141 Joined: 29-Mar-2020 Last visit: 15-Jan-2021 Location: SCUDAPLIBOMB
Hello I am about to do a brew of cactus and am just wondering if u wonderful people have had any experience with the following cactus as I have them available I know the content of most of them experiences instead of stats wins hands down so I have available John Roseii 1 and 2 Eli Ben TBM Sharks Blue I’ve have done a light does of TBM and heavy Roseii 1 any input would be much appreciated ✌️ and 🌈
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 321 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-Nov-2021
Each of those cactus can be weaker or stronger depending on the parents, growing conditions, and the way you brew it-- its unlikely anyone can predict the strength of a specific cactus unless it's a clone (not seed from, but an actual clone) of a known strong specimen. It's always a gamble of genetics with plants-- the Roseii are lovely peru's, and so are the Blue-- never heard of the other one. Just pick the one you want and brew it well.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 141 Joined: 29-Mar-2020 Last visit: 15-Jan-2021 Location: SCUDAPLIBOMB
Thanks my friend much appreciated that’s a good point ✌️ and 🌈
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 14 Joined: 08-Mar-2020 Last visit: 29-Dec-2020
Go for the Ben, bridges have good energy ime. Otherwise, either of the Rosei, or the John. Sharxx is too expensive to be brewing these days. No idea about Eli.
If you want the convenience of working with a small amount of material, TBM are reliable.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 673 Joined: 04-Jul-2015 Last visit: 18-Feb-2025
They all sound like potentially good choices, but whatever you do don't brew up all you have of any one type. If it turns out to be potent, or something you like you'll want to have some left to cultivate. My flesh moves, like liquid. My mind is cut loose.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 613 Joined: 14-Oct-2018 Last visit: 13-Aug-2024
The Bridgesii are likely to be stronger than those Peruvianus. But as far as Peruvianus go, Sharxx Blue and Rosei 1 are supposed to be good. They are the epitome of what the active type Peruvianus look like: fat and blue and not that spiny for Peruvianus. But the Bridgessi are still likely to be stronger. Why not mix some Bridgesii and Peruvianus together for your tea? Bigger, fatter, older specimens are stronger than young, skinny ones. So keep that in mind as you select. All the best with your tea and your journey! IT WAS ALL A DREAM
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 141 Joined: 29-Mar-2020 Last visit: 15-Jan-2021 Location: SCUDAPLIBOMB
Hi nexians how are we all hopefully amazing thanks for the tip Wolf I’ll make sure i keep a tip pun intended Gond I’m mates with sharks so that’s no problem have u had or known anyone if so how much of Ben is a strong dose Fox I like your idea but thinking I’ll try them by themselves first so I can get a feel for each or else I will never no what did what but I will say there is a little voice inside saying mix mix mix I know what I want out of the journey and that voice is usually right if u know ur path I might do Roseii 1 mix it with a pac I’ve had a strong does of Roseii 1 a foot and a half so I’ve already got a gauge cheers peeps ✌️ and 🌈
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 673 Joined: 04-Jul-2015 Last visit: 18-Feb-2025
Try one or mix, it's up to you. If you choose the Bridgesii I've found that a 400 gram fresh cut will give what I consider a solid recreational dose when brewed. I've only had Peruvianus tea twice, but it seemed about half as strong as average Bridgesii. Also my experience with Peruvianus seemed to confirm the conventional wisdom that Peruvianus has a higher ratio of mescaline to other alks. All in all my preference is Bridgesii. It's consistently strong. Going with Bridge takes a lot of the dosing guesswork out of the equation. Let those pretty blue Perus grow  My flesh moves, like liquid. My mind is cut loose.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 14 Joined: 08-Mar-2020 Last visit: 29-Dec-2020
Bosho 23 wrote:Hi nexians how are we all hopefully amazing thanks for the tip Wolf I’ll make sure i keep a tip pun intended Gond I’m mates with sharks so that’s no problem have u had or known anyone if so how much of Ben is a strong dose Fox I like your idea but thinking I’ll try them by themselves first so I can get a feel for each or else I will never no what did what but I will say there is a little voice inside saying mix mix mix I know what I want out of the journey and that voice is usually right if u know ur path I might do Roseii 1 mix it with a pac I’ve had a strong does of Roseii 1 a foot and a half so I’ve already got a gauge cheers peeps ✌️ and 🌈 Hey mate. In that case, just ask Sharxx his opinion, he will point you right  Rosei 2 is every bit as good as 1 in my opinion. Ben is a tried and true champion. Given my choice of the lot, I'd go for Eileen. She's not as hyped as she once was, but she still my favourite. She's spesh
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 88 Joined: 06-Oct-2019 Last visit: 19-Sep-2022 Location: At the edge of your sight
Hey man, I don't know about the particular clone lines you listed. I have eileen and Rosei 2 growing in the garden but they aren't chopped yet. All I can say is be careful with peruvian torches. They are often compared to bridgesii and underestimated for some reason. For instance 750 g of young Icaros peruvianus can be much stronger than 1.2 kg of mature, highly stressed psycho0 and its effects are much similar to those of a 'purer' man-made substance, somewhere in between LSD and DMT. If they are fed well with essential nutrients, water stressed, sun stressed all year around and left in the dark for at least 3 weeks I bet any of those rosei's or sharxx will rock your world. Keep safe and enjoy the trip The fool who picked this pen will always be wiser than the fool who dropped it. -Excrept from Chasing Shadows
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 14 Joined: 08-Mar-2020 Last visit: 29-Dec-2020
Interesting perspective, Ahubaba. IME Rosei and Sharxx will not come close to touching Eileen in terms of depth, breadth, texture, and weight, given identical growing conditions.
Not to say that the Peruvian torches are not sacred and valuable, but to find them functionally matched to bridges like Eileen just does not happen in my climate. Psycho0 is its own thing and seems to be highly susceptible to personal preference.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 88 Joined: 06-Oct-2019 Last visit: 19-Sep-2022 Location: At the edge of your sight
Gondwanaland I think it is mainly because of the confusion surrounding the identification of peruvianus. People are more or less certain what a bridgesii is, it is harder to mistake. However, a lot of plants which look distinctly different to the iconic frosty type such as icaros and rosei are still referred to as peruvianus. Not even talking about the cuzcoensis mess. I am optimistic that a true type will consistently offer a fonder and more healing trip than a bridgesii, though potency can vary among the clones/seedlines compared. It might be personal chemistry but bridgesii can give very unpleasant experiences and feels impersonal somewhat. My peruvianus are tanked on a lot of fertilizers, exposed to full sun with high UV index and stressed in multiple ways. Maybe that makes the difference. I believe when given the optimal conditions peruvian torches have a lot to offer in a very unique way just as bridgesii does The fool who picked this pen will always be wiser than the fool who dropped it. -Excrept from Chasing Shadows