Life started to make so much sense for me after I’ve started taking psychedelics. They have revealed to me a path of spiritual transformation of which I was completely unaware before. In a relatively short period of time, life has become of great quality, I am genuinely happy, relaxed, relationships are smooth and loving and I’m endlessly and continuously fascinated about the wonders of the universe and consciousness. I am not in a hurry anymore and enjoy the present more fully.
Smoking high doses of cannabis in silent darkness (Some advice I followed from Terence McKenna) has made me aware of the incredible amount of unnecessary tension I’ve put in my body by suppressing emotions all my life (I am 25 now). I was so high, that it actually HURT to have so much spirit energy rushing up in such a tense body. It wanted to EXPRESS and go OUT, but it couldn’t, and it hurt like hell, I just couldn’t find comfort for 2 hours straight. This made me wonder how I could change it. Psychedelics like shrooms and DMT have shown me what it’s like to live without this tension, like a sneak peek into ‘enlightenment’ I suppose. It made me realize life can be so peaceful if you just learn to relax.
One day, after a lecture by Michael Singer, I was trying to find out ‘how relaxed could I get?’ I tried not to stop after some tension went away, but go way beyond that. I found out that there seems to be no limit at all! The heart and solar plexus seem to be infinitely expandable and it started to feel more blissful by the day.
Although the psychedelic experiences are in itself purging and healing and with lasting positive effects, they motivate me in what is accomplishable without drugs. Pranayama (breathing exercises), deep meditation and yoga seem to be systematic methods to release the tension into ever-increasing relaxation. This allows me to love myself, love my girlfriend, love my friends, my family, and the world more than ever before. It allows me to be grounded firmly and give more.
Life is infinitely better if you’re not in fight / flight mode all the time. I wasn’t even aware of being in this mode (although sometimes I was quite anxious), but now that I am more relaxed, I notice the difference and that I was there for quite some time. I found out there is so much joy to be found in the body, like an inner treasure. A constant buzzing pleasant feeling, that tells you life is amazing. I sleep better, I enjoy meditation a lot now. Sometimes, I am laying for hours on my lazy couch just bathing in bliss. I couldn’t have imagined being in this state one year ago, and psychedelics get all the credits that I know these kinds of states even exist.
Lately, I found out that I was unconsciously slightly hyperventilating (breathing too fast, which depletes oxygen in the body because of the so-called ‘Bohr effect’) which was reversing the relaxation and adding tension. I probably breathed like this all my life since I was in high school. By breathing slowly and more conscious, I reversed the process and put my body into ‘healing mode’, or homeostasis most of the time. I feel the tension in my diaphragm / solar plexus dissolving while just witnessing my breath.
I gratefully thank the sacred plants and our ancestors for healing me, giving me life-changing insights and opening my chakras. This is the most wonderful process I have ever witnessed. It’s just ecstatic!
My favorite books that have changed my life:- The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer (And his ‘Living life from a place of Surrender’ course)
- The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin (And their course, and the lectures of Lester Levenson on Youtube)
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
- Advanced Yoga Practices by Yogani (Free lessons on, the most practical information on yoga I have ever seen, such a treasure)
- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
- Several books by Steve Andreas and a course on NLP
- Lectures by Terence McKenna on Youtube
- The Bhagavad Gita and Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna are soon to be added to this list.
I’ve found yogic philosophy and practice to be a great companion with psychedelics, as these both seem to loosen up the grip of the ego and work towards realizing your Self, identifying with pure witness soul consciousness instead of with the ego.
In my experience, there seem to be countless ‘stored’ attachments and aversions in the body. In yoga, they are called ‘samskaras’, which are ‘energy balls’ of tension that concentrate especially around chakras as a result of not processing emotions properly. I think you can relax all these little energy balls by:
- Letting go of wanting to control the world and your experience
- Letting go of wanting approval (love from other people)
- Letting go of wanting to be a separate identity
- And by finally letting go of the deep-rooted, invisible fear of dying
This way you completely deplete the ego from its power over your life and live on in eternal love, peace, and unity. I think ‘letting go’ means confronting the fear (manifested as tension) and relax it, let it dissolve, instead of looking the other way, letting it sit there and letting it run your life unconsciously.
People, seriously, what is a better way of learning to let go of this unconscious fear of dying than by actually ‘dying’ in a psychedelic experience?
I feel thrilled and blessed. This brought me to the Nexus.
Are DMT (and other psychedelics) the ultimate sacraments for getting familiar with that there is absolutely nothing to fear, cause we are just a drop of consciousness in the flux of an eternal sea of divine love?What do you think?
Any other Nexus members into AYP?
I couldn’t be more grateful to my group of best friends, who also love to experiment with DMT and other psychedelics and talk endlessly about the mysticism of consciousness and nature. Such a warm and loving environment is just perfect for deep exploration and infinite fascination. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
God bless you all, I am honored to be part of the community and would love to participate in discussions and hear about your experiences. I believe, together, we can raise the vibration on this planet.
"The hero's counterpart is the demon of resistance."
- Stanislav Grof