Hearing the mapacho juice mentioned a few times, i got curious and found something:
https://katukina.com/products/mapacho-and-rape-juice/suco-de-mapacho wrote:Suco de Mapacho is a fine liquid extract obtained by extracting Mapacho in a hydro-alcoholic solution followed by evaporation of the solution into a juicy extract.
Does it look like this is approximately what's used for mapacho curing as well?
I'm inclined to try two ways of making my own:
- make a cold tea using vodka or similar, then let it sit until all alcohol smell is gone.
- make a hot tea using vodka or similar, boil it until all alcohol smell is gone.
If anyone knows how to do it 'correctly', recipe would be greatly appreciated
i hope it's ok to include that source, all the products it contains seem to be legal almost everywhere, and there's interesting information mapacho, rapé, etc.