Dear people,
I had my first (but technically the third) encounter with Dimitri this past week. Now I'm very confused because when I vaporized it I did not get any effect but when I seemingly burned it I got knocked out. Could someone give me some advice on my situation before I dip my toes into hyperspace again?
I used a Yocan Evolve Plus with a ceramic donut, my first attempt I loaded up 30mg, melted first, put on the cap, press the button and gently inhale for as long as I could, pulse in between, held it for 10+ sec, exhale. The vapor indeed tasted very mild with a faint new shoe smell and easy to breathe in. Yet after 3 hits, I felt absolute NOTHING but some teensy-weensy little colorless CEVs.
After one hour, I loaded 50mg and tried again. This time I held the vapor in my lung even longer, but not even any more CEVs this time.
Waited another hour, filled the coil with another 60mg (I know this is an unreasonable dose for a first-timer but I was frustrated that previous dose did not even produce much effect). Repeat the process, after one hit still nothing. Disappointed and frustrated, I kept holding down the button until the device gets really hot. I hit it again, but this time the device produced a cracking/bubbling sound like when you hit a Juul, and "vapor" gets really milky.
As I draw the vapor in my mouth, it tastes very bitter, with a strong plastic odor. And I could clearly feel the vapor (or is it smoke already?) going into my lung, whereas the first two attempts I felt like I was breathing air. It wasn't too harsh, maybe because I am a cigarette smoker. But it did leave a very foul taste in my mouth.
Just I was holding it and suspecting that I burned the spice. A freight train hit my face. My visual goes crazy. I managed to take another half-assed hit before I had to lie down and close my eyes. My head was filled with a ringing sound, and I could not see anything but full-blown bright geometric patterns morphing at a crazy speed. None of my prior LSD and Mushroom trips produced vivid visuals like this. At this point, I continued to feel a heavyweight on my face and I kept telling myself that I'm ready to surrender. But the crazy CEVs faded away rather quickly. I was back to normal after 8 to 9 minutes or so, and it felt even shorter.
So did I burn my spice?
If so, can anyone explain why I felt nothing when seemingly I properly vaped the spice but got knocked out when I burned it?
Is the smoke supposed to taste THAT chemically bitter?
Was my experience just in the waiting room before the breakthrough?
Thank you!