Well, if you think of it, spciety is a cave we are in and where we experience extra sensory, out there and highly electrical, experiences through the means of technology.
It may be possible through dreams in the way you describe: that by having experienced it once you can call it back and trick yourself in a way.
As I don't really know much about dreams, there's not a lot on my mind about this exept that, even though Hyperspace was indeed still vividly close at the time of going to sleep, it seemed more the effect of entering a mid point and the consequences of laying down in a specific pose.
The pose always seems really important. When you stand up, your blood flow is very different that if you are lying down. Then the blood flow is directed toward the root. For the head, toward the occipital.
But why seek to cheat on meditation when the path is more important than the full blown giggle ? If you have diluted the experience in your entire life, you had time to observe and understood it more precisly.
Isn't there one thing, may that be a plants, a forest, a cloud, a building, a district, the back of my hand, this shattered leaves on the ground that isn't 'entities'? Because you see it all at the same time, it is. But you don't see all of you at the same time. The view of ourselves is very vague. We don't focus on our bodies. It's sort of like alien to us, who have grown in caves. Yet even if you are to focus, there is such information that it would be hard to make sense of it all as you get more sensitive, even more sensitive. It is easy for the mind to project and hold meaning that is approximate or self fulffiling. To piece away understanding and yourself in the meantime, as you are understanding yourself, is living in the flesh and moment to moment this 'not knowing'.
So the occipital, that is a bone. What is most heavy in the body is water. What is liquid and always flows. But if you focus on bones and drive the liquid toward it, something happens maybe. Pierce a whole and a gateway. The bones are to the blood like the moon is to the sea, someone might say.
Maybe because veins are like rivers in our bodies, as they are the most accessible fractal pattern, right under the skin, that you have learned to feel as you did with your breath, the air on your skin, maybe you can feel that. What would be to happen if instead of projecting on outward fractal patterns, you were to project on fractal pattern that are within you, that you can feel, but that you aren't used to ... wouldn't that feel like being taken apart ? And your mind that is ever flowing, if it were to project on that which is like water, wouldn't it feel home ? Wouldn't it all feel more real than real, the mind being within itself ?And if your body has reveled itself to be like the world, flowing of rivers, then taken apart maybe you now can feel you are like the world and understand this world within world.
That is a hypothesis for you. But then to have to be able to sense it and experience. Was it meaningful me telling, I don't know. Words within words.