Hi Swarra
Welcome to the Nexus. Interesting few posts. I enjoyed reading them and feeling the edge that you seem to have moved onto after dmt.
For me a lot of the "how to take psychedelics" boils down to a very simple mind-set switch. From consuming to participating. From participating to being undivided from the experience itself. Let me elaborate:
As long as the I over here consumes a substance over there and then subsequently consumes an experience, the experience just stays something that happened, but never really touched me. It may appear profound and moving at the moment, but when it's over it's like a movie that ended. I can wipe my tears away and go on with my life. But if it's not something to be consumed, but something that I as a process go through, then every cell in my body, every pulse of energy, every thought born from the abyss, is affected and transformed. Nothing remains the same.
In truth, this is so for any experience, every minute of your life. But it's hard to see and hard to uphold. It's easier to confine this mindset to certain hours a day, practicing, to certain journeys we take, practicing...
Are you still the same person you were before you went through the process? You are and you are also not. Can you make real changes in your life through what you "learned"? Only if you actually allow yourself to change. Change is something funny. Many people talk about wanting certain changes, but actually don't realize that it means the self they know can no longer continue on existing - a new version of the self has to arise. There is nothing as fear-inducing to the self as it's own demise, and so of course naturally it resists change, quite fiercely. So, it takes quite a commitment to change. Sometimes these psychedelic processes can assist in critical moments. Sometimes they just give us glimpses of a different version of ourselves, that we still have to strive to become. Sometimes it all remains a mystery.
My main advice is to be gentle with yourself, but never falter in your determination to be fully. If you want to change your destiny, you have to change your narrative. If you want to change your narrative you have to go to the depths of the soul to find the voice, born from the void, that is telling you your story. Once you find it... make it stop. And replace it with your new narrative. Good luck

Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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