It was wonderful, and very intense! As predicted, I was unable to achieve a breakthrough, but that's likely due to my technique, which is something that can really only be refined with more experience. I went in for some massive hits and while I totally sent myself into hyperspace, optimization could've led to going further (holding longer, being quicker, etc.)
But! As for the trip itself!
The first thing I remember is everything just...slowing down. Like someone altered the timescale of reality, and it was all just in slow motion, like a dream. Movements felt more like suggestions that actual bodily functions. I was able to finish my whole pack before passing off bong to get comfy, and I even said as I passed it off, "Oh's happening". As things slowed and slowed, I felt my vision get pulled back further, like someone or something was adjusting my field of view slider, and it felt more fisheye like, but at the same time, the actual things I was seeing within my vision were zooming; but perhaps better to say - growing. All the familiar things around me began to devolve into geometric and fractal patterns, moving and breathing like living waves, rippling and melting, yet retaining their shape. My body and everything about it went numb.
Things began to take on a stained glass texture, my throat began to feel tight, the ringing that is commonly reported began to spill in, and I felt the room I was in span off into infinity, all texturing and falling into itself in intimate patterns, yet still keeping a shape of familiarity. I certainly no longer knew or cared where I was, and didn't even notice that my girlfriend, who had been helping me light and then take the bong from me, had moved off the bed now that I was clearly well and deep within my trip, slumped against the wall with my head hanging down; wanted to give me some room. I felt myself being pushed and pulled through a tunnel of inky blackness that would pull in from the edges of my vision, and leave splotches of colors untouched, but largely blank everything else out, and every time it pulled back out, the patterns grew more and more
I eventually went from my slump against the wall to laying down and looking up at the ceiling, and I felt as if I was looking out a window within it into infinite space, with runes and interlocking circles and eyes holographically ghosting and rotating within eachother. I then felt something, someone...I had been noticed. This, what I believe to be entity, seemed to have been able to notice I had come up to the membrane the separates us from the "breakthrough", and it was attempting to help me push through. It was like a prison phone call you see in the movies, where two people can see each other through glass and talk on the phone, but have no interaction beyond that. Our phone reception was shitty and the glass was inches thick, but we were both earnest in our attempts.
Though I couldn't properly see, I felt the eyes of this entity shining through, saw the hollow holes they would be just filled with light, fixated on me, trying to push from its end and break the barrier, like Freddy Kruger coming through the wall above Nancy's bed in the first Nightmare On Elm Street movie. Except this was not malicious in any way, it was curiosity and a desire to make contact to observe and witness. The interlocking shapes and runes/glyphs continued ghosting around it, and then everything began to drip and melt, as if the membrane itself was melting - it was all raining down onto me - not too quickly, but it was happening. I looked the glowing pools of light in what I felt were its eyes, and we observed each other. It shifted into what appeared to be a tree, but the tree itself was a cluster of gray matter, brains, all living consciously together, communally, glowing vibrantly with a shine from behind, once again feeling like it was through a cylindrical tunnel of interlocking shapes and eyes.
It once again became the big eyes of light, and I could feel more and more force and light energy coming from behind it, feel the desire to make contact, but by that point, the trip had just about reached its length, and everything began to slowly fade away, back to normalcy and reality, but yet still with the remaining presence and thought that I was so very close, that we both saw and acknowledged each other, but it wasn't as close as either of us wanted.
A very powerful and humbling experience that has made me very keen to continue down this path of exploration and learning. Naturally, an experience like this isn't the easiest thing to dissect and understand, it rarely is. I read a post on here saying that it would likely just deepen our pre-existing questions, and create some new ones. And this is indeed true, but I definitely feel that I had something answered, and it's that we're not alone out here, here is not the only place that exists. Not that I ever thought otherwise to be the case, but a profound ability to see and experience things for oneself can definitely affirm that. Overall, I was very pleased with the experience, and am excited to revisit it in the future!
My roommates also had their own experiences after, including my girlfriend who absolutely did break through and actually startled the entities she met because it seemed they weren't expecting her and weren't ready, haha. But they were very kind and helpful, albeit surprised, as she reported. But as for those specifics, that's on those folks to choose to discuss if they so wish. All I can definitively say is that a fantastic time was had by all, and we're looking forward to the next time!