endlessness wrote:So is DMT your first psychedelic (not counting weed) ?
Yes, it's my first psychedelic.
I've tried a line of cocaine a couple of times in my 20's, but never abused or bought it myself, Didn't enjoy the comedown.
I tried MDMA once at a festival. Was a pretty good buzz with big bass music playing.
Had ecstasy about 3 or 4 times in my teens.
Other than that, just been a stoner.
endlessness wrote:How was your experience?
My first 2 tokes felt like a warm golden aura wrapped around my body, I closed my eyes, lay back and started seeing geometric patterns but not squares, more like triangular but morphing and breathing, the colors changed in sync with my LED lamp and distant flicking candle light. I felt happy, relaxed and very trippy, I snapped back around after 5 minutes or so and INSTANTLY loaded the pipe without even measuring, but it was a lot more than the 20mg I just previously put in.
I probably got extras from the residue of the last hit too because I just remember seeing clouds of smoke, I could see speckles of water in my eye but magnified by 100x with perfect picture quality in real time. Then the triangular morphing got going but much more intense, It was like I was in a geometric tunnel with a 3D transparent Totem pole with 'branches' which were spinning around and around, but the 'branches' continuously morphed into 'faces/entities/things' and kept getting really close to me... like when sitting in a dentist chair and the dentist gets right in your face.
These 'faces', still morphing from one 'scary' looking face to the next, had angry faces with I guess resembled demons bearing sharp teeth. I get an overwhelming feeling of rejection, palm of hands, though shall not pass.
I was never in fear, just watching the show.
Along the way, I opened my eyes because my conscious self wanted to test what the effects will be like... My room was breathing and still I could see transparent morphing coming out off my walls. It was amazing.
Afterwards I started needing to urinate every 5 or 10 minutes and my pee with crystal clear.
endlessness wrote:Are you planning on using oral dmt/ayahuasca too?
As of yet, I've not done any proper research into other psychedelics, Just focused on this substance and tek.
endlessness wrote:What were the highlights of your travels, what places you enjoyed the most?
The rave room was fun.
endlessness wrote:What happened at that night club, how did that ear biting come about?
Wrong place wrong time, I was jumped by 4 or 5 guys whilst queuing up for a taxi home, they pushed in front and got aggressive, unfortunately for me one got too close and decided to do a Mike Tyson on me, they then all ran off and I went and got 45 stitches and a tetanus shot :/