In Silence I Been
Posts: 137 Joined: 14-Sep-2018 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024 Location: Knowhere
So have been battling with alcohol consumption a bit now, its been having me put off serious mushroom and changa explorations and generally been a daily occurrence. My drinking was becoming excessive, so much it was like I was running away from myself and the psychedelic state. Something had to be done. At a flea market bookstall, I picked up an amazing book called Natural Highs, it had a chapter on mushrooms and dmt so I bought it. But what truly intrigues me was the part about natural substances and impulse control. So there is a nootropic called 5htp which you take it small doses which increases serotonin and another called l-tyrosine which increases dopamime levels. I knew my levels where shot out of order because of all the alcohol and my previous hard drug usage of cocaine. So I began supplementing with 5htp first and then to balance with l-tyrosine to replace the dopamime, because with too much of one the receptors downgrade the other; serotonin reduces dopamaine and vice versa. I stack these with a high potency vitamin B complex. Now the trick with the 5htp is that I cannot imbibe alcohol at all because it will lead to serotonin syndrome, and that is one thing I am very careful about with all my psychedelic exploring with MAOI's like syrian rue. Therefore having the the 5htp first thing in the morning, prevents me from drinking that day, its a good safety valve. On the second day of having the 5htp, driving to work in the morning listening to Collective Souls Better Now.. I suddenly was filled with uncontrollable happiness, I was smiling from ear to ear and had no idea why, the good song and the 5htp combined to make me feel on top of the world and this feeling continued for the rest of the day. A feeling I could never get again thought the 3 week regime of taking 5htp. Word of caution 5htp should not be taken continuously and never more than 200mg. I have stopped taking this after a month. Long term effects are not fully researched, its better to take St Johns Wort as it has less side effects. These two serotonin boosters work so much better than antidepressant medication with less side effects so those suffering from depression I highly recommend it, be sure to be fully weaned of your SSRI's and anti depressant medication before you do take it. It has so much less side effects its criminal the way other pharmaceuticals are pushed in comparison. Warning: I am not a doctor so please consult your general health practitioner before you decide this natural route if you are on any other medication. What this month long abstinence from alcohol and stacking with nootropics has shown me how I was self medicating with alcohol. So my brain chemistry was out of wack through the months and years of drinking and I was continuously imbibing the same substance to me me feel better that actually caused the helter skelter situation in the first place. Supplemnting with high potency Vitamin B and vitamin C vitamins as well as zinc and magenesium have also helped me control and manage my impulses and have generally made me feel much better. One thing I must add especially to this delightful group of psychonauts I have the pleasure of speaking to, is that this has made my mushroom journeys more powerful. In the sense that I just need a gram and a bit to have a quite strong experience, this was after a month from abstaining from alcohol and mushrooms and weed. Perhaps the balancing of my neurotransmitters were now more able to appreciate the psylocibin. My other mushroom journey two months ago with alcohol and meat still in my system required me to consume 3 grams and still not really have as a beautiful experience as this recent trip. I highly recommend kicking the booze and doing so with the help of these impulse controlling nootropics. Im not a purist and will have a beer or glass of wine at a social but the next days the impulse is stronger so am working on being completely dry. It is still hard I still get cravings but as long as I keep my blood sugar up and eat well and supplement with vitamins they are manageable. So that is my brief tale. I have lots more to say on the subject but for now I would like to get your feedback or if anyone else has experimented with nootropics. My studies and work has improved exponentially by the way. I am more focused and able to concentrate longer on tasks and schedules. Early mornings (like 4am) are my sacred time for studying or the mushrooms. Its beautiful... "Oh I'm newly calibrated All shiny and clean I'm your recent adaptation Time to redefine me
Let the word out I've got to get out Oh I'm feeling better now Break the news out I've got to get out Oh I'm feeling better now" Collective Soul, Better Now, 1993
mama matrix most mysteriousIn the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
 Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering
Posts: 1299 Joined: 24-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Apr-2020 Location: I see you Mara
Hi! I like this! The best thing about quiting alcohol is once you beat it for some time, its hard to fall back again later, cause the taste is so foul and the buzz isnt clean and powerful enough to warrant the side effects. "On the second day of having the 5htp, driving to work in the morning listening to Collective Souls Better Now.. I suddenly was filled with uncontrollable happiness, I was smiling from ear to ear and had no idea why, the good song and the 5htp combined to make me feel on top of the world and this feeling continued for the rest of the day." Yes! This is my experience exactly with 5 htp. Its an amazing nootropic. However I never use it daily, I just use it when I need a little upper on the way to work, also generally use it on the afterglow of shroom trips The 5htp I have has L-theanine 50mg, fish oil 600mg, lemon balm extract (4;1 aerial) 100mg, damiana extract (4;1 leaf) 75mg, holy basil extract 75mg, magnesium 50mg, vitamin D and B6, and finally 100mg of 5HTP ( Griffonia Simplicifolia seed) Try Aniracetam if u havent =) Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha. What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving ♡See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.♡May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 137 Joined: 22-Jun-2019 Last visit: 19-Sep-2019
CONGRATULATIONS getting rid of the alcohol...I had addictions early in life alcohol was one for a lil while (I actually managed to get 4 DWI's in the matter of 2 months!!) but mainly my thing was heroin and any addiction like this of needing it every day can be incredibly hard to get over! so happy your doing it just remember the KEY IS DONT EVER LOOK AT IT LIKE YOU COMPLETLY CONQURED IT! IT HAS TO BE A ONGOING THING OR IT MIGHT FIND A SLY WAY TO WRIGGLE ITSELF BACK INTO YOUR LIFE!
Also I want to thank you for sharing this I have become much more aware of the medications I am putting into my body the past year due to some G.I. issues I was having and one of the meds I was on wasn't the source of the problem but made it MUCH worse! this cause me to looking into everything I was putting in my body meds and foods. I do suffer from some depression it comes and goes so this I am deffinitly going to look into as I have already gotten off a anti depressant and a couple other meds and found they really weren't making the depression any better as I still have the same amount after discontinuing these meds! so all it was doing was giving me the nasty side effects! so deffinitly going to look into this stuff THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 13 Joined: 17-Jul-2019 Last visit: 23-Aug-2019 Location: United States
Thanks for sharing! Congrats on one month sober thats impressive! i quit drinking (alcoholic here) just over 6 months ago using medical cannabis, shrooms, and regular old treatment, but i had no idea 5htp had such effects. My only input is to be careful with those social drinks. One thing leads to another. If you really want to stay sober, I would think twice about letting another even another drop pass your lips.
 In Silence I Been
Posts: 137 Joined: 14-Sep-2018 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024 Location: Knowhere
Brilliant, thank you Franlover. I always find your replies very insightful. I also am extremely intrigued with your 5htp mix, is that how you stack it or is it readymade in one form. I always thought one should not mix oil based with dry nootopics so personally I would take it seperately by a couple of hours but if it works for you that is awesome. Im also glad that its not just my sensitivity that you have also experienced that top of the world feeling.. I will definitely try your method of every now and again only when i need it. Im sure that will be better resultwise. Wait you use them on the mushroom conedown? I kmow its popular with users of mdma when they come down because it renews their depleted serotonin stores. What is your report about using it after mushrooms? I would love to hear your take on it. Im also very interested in the racetams and will defifinetely check out Aniracetam. Thanx for the tip. mama matrix most mysteriousIn the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
 In Silence I Been
Posts: 137 Joined: 14-Sep-2018 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024 Location: Knowhere
Hi breeze.. thank you so much for your reply. I have also had trouble with my drinking and always knew how insidous it was. The trouble is in the substitution of ones addiction. I always told myself the alcohol was better than cocaine but that was a lie and a very easy gateway back. I hear you loud and clear about not thinking one has it conquered. that is so true, strange even telling people seems to weaken the resolve so i mostly keep quiete about it. Glad I could be of some help. I have seen the destructive effects of anti deppresants with close friends and family. its changes their personalities completely and worsens the condition. or dulls them beyond recognition. that it even is prescribed to children is appalling. Try the St Johns Wort. Its the safest, it will take long to kick in about 3 weeks but it will be worth it, its a natural serotonin enhancer. I am sure other qualified doctors on this site can also advise us further. if you taking 5htp remember the cautions no SSRIs and use it in conjunction with a dopamime booster like l-tyrosine. I find the 5 to 1 ratio good. So 500mg tyrosine (comes in 250mg caps or more) and 50mg 5htp and you can increase till you get to 100mg 5htp. Dont use it together rather l tyrosine in the morning first thing on an empty stomach, and 5htp at nite to also aid sleeping.As always it works different for different folks so you need to find your own sweet spot. Theres also many other natural supplements. Always supplement with high potemcy vitamin b compkex for easier absorption. but the safest way if you have the time us eating right tyrosine anAd serotonin rich foods. i also think this is why dmt works so well as it resets the brain chemistry in big open the head doses. but of course it does much more than that. mama matrix most mysteriousIn the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
 In Silence I Been
Posts: 137 Joined: 14-Sep-2018 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024 Location: Knowhere
Hi coconutx thank you so much for your kind words and support. You are totally right and I will heed your warning. the natural supplements are awesome but as always research and common sense are the best ways to approach them and anything else. I also am wary of endorsing anything (except mushrooms of course ) but the results were so spectacular in my situation that I have to share. I still believe the best way to get them is from their original food source. but in the case of 5htp it is really only found in griffonia plant and its worth checking out. great mood enhancer. moderation is key as in all things. mama matrix most mysteriousIn the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
 Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering
Posts: 1299 Joined: 24-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Apr-2020 Location: I see you Mara
PsyloCiBeen wrote:Brilliant, thank you Franlover. I always find your replies very insightful. I also am extremely intrigued with your 5htp mix, is that how you stack it or is it readymade in one form. I always thought one should not mix oil based with dry nootopics so personally I would take it seperately by a couple of hours but if it works for you that is awesome. Im also glad that its not just my sensitivity that you have also experienced that top of the world feeling.. I will definitely try your method of every now and again only when i need it. Im sure that will be better resultwise. Wait you use them on the mushroom conedown? I kmow its popular with users of mdma when they come down because it renews their depleted serotonin stores. What is your report about using it after mushrooms? I would love to hear your take on it. Im also very interested in the racetams and will defifinetely check out Aniracetam. Thanx for the tip. A ready made form =) its a pill. Not only is it the top of the world feeling, it is super clean, there is no drug like feeling. It feels like a natural reward, like how u feel after acomplishing something great. When I use it on the mushroom comedown its that same top of the world feeling. Theres a point at the end of a trip where I really want to feel sober and clean again and the 5htp is an extra push in that direction. Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha. What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving ♡See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.♡May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
 In Silence I Been
Posts: 137 Joined: 14-Sep-2018 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024 Location: Knowhere
Awesome thats brilliant @Franlover.. I am definitely gonna try it after a mushroom trip. You are right about the nootropics feeling natural not at all like a drug.. but tolerance as in allthings does build up quick.. thus your regime sounds awesome.. im gonna try a bit more experimenting.. onwards and upwards.. thank you for the tip mama matrix most mysteriousIn the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas