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What’s your most memorable DMT experience Options
#1 Posted : 8/9/2019 7:18:29 PM

Fly with the sea birds and sh!t

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I wanted to start a thread for a collection of people’s most memorable trips. It can be hard to take stuff back from hyperspace, but I’m sure everyone has at least one experience that they couldn’t forget if they tried. Here’s mine:

It was probably my 4th or 5th time smoking spice properly. I was using a dab rig at the time. I had either smoked by myself or with my one buddy up until then. This was the first time my wife took part. So I took my hit, (eyeballed out) and blasted off. I soared off into velvet cotton candy land. I got that roller coaster feeling and started shaking my feet outta sorta anxiety or whatever you would call it. All of of sudden I felt a warm hand touch my feet and grasp them and felt this morning incredible feeling of relaxation rush over me. My feet stopped moving, and I took a deep breath. I opened my eyes, and my wife had sat down next to me. She had this insane, vibrantly colorful rainbow aura coming off her. It makes me think of the Hindu paintings with the sun behind the person meditating. I was hit with a holy crap moment. I realized I was seeing my twin flame at it’s true essence. Her eyes stayed locked on me, even though it seemed like her head was moving around. I looked at her and I said in very Dmt tongue, “I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I’m here now.” I was now connected to a piece that was missing.
Anyway, that experience taught me a lot of things about my wife and I, and ignited a brand new chapter for us. By far the most memorable of my experiences.
Love to all
“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus
“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 8/10/2019 8:27:42 AM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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Amazing Morpheus =)

I once smoalked changa after drinking a small caapi tea and smoking caapi joints and 30 seconds from the first toke this beautiful spring garden materialized around me. There was this drop dead gorgeous 20 year old white woman infront of me. Long blonde hair, sweater and jeans. She stood with her back inches away from a yellow bricked wall which combined perfectly with the yellow tones from a warm spring sun and with the color of her sweater. So it was a realistic frame which made perfect use of pastel colors and through them conveyed a feeling of deep affection, a warmth which is like experiencing childhood and full maturity at the same time so that you experience the best of the both worlds.

Looking at her then was like staring eternal love in the eyes. I thought This is fading, I dont want it to end, lets go walk and thus the trip closed with the most marvelous artistic expression maybe Ive ever seen; the girl started walking besides me and through this beautiful garden in spring full of pastel yellow tones and then the camera shifted, she appeared infront of me and walking towards me and then a glitch happened, a logarythm, a snake road; its like everything blended into one and she started slithering towards me, but she was walking, but it was this machine, zig zag pattern like thing. It was like she was walking in a maze towards to me. It was SO mesmirizing--ive been mesmerized like this before and even more perhaps, but this trip did it with the perfect gradient of colors, after the most perfect set up (2 minutes infront of a beautiful womam smiling at you and laughing as if you just told the funniest joke, looking at you with admiration, desire, affection, friendship, enthusiasm.)

Afterwards I felt so at peace, so mellow and pastel and warm...Of coure awestruck but not so baffled as when experiencing intergalactic imagery, this presented little to be baffled about, just appreciation of what a good time it was, how good the whole place and her looked. It looked just like real life, only that in 4k HD (with exception of her face, which was beautiful but unseeable, non descript, ambiguous, as if you couldnt stare directly at her, although she was staring at you, yet at the same time you could see her face and see that she was beautiful.)

Now a days if I am to go buy clothes for the spring I would certainly get if possible sweaters with pastel colors, as it seems to have a purity which is as pleasing to the eyes as looking at a puppy or baby.

I have at least two more to share once others start sharing theirs =)
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#3 Posted : 8/12/2019 1:56:39 AM

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Often time ls when I am having my Visions on DMT I will say “show me more” when I am done absorbing the scene in front of me, or if I desire different or deeper imagery. It’s just a linguistic trigger for a change of internal scenery....

At any rate I found myself in some sort of cavern like room and in front of me was a dark, spinning amorphous carousel like you might find at a fair or an amusement park. There were no horses or seats but it was spinning. There was deck and a canopy... black and purple and white and red. White and red spirals hung suspended in the air. I noticed that the center core of the carousel was the body of an octopus. A black and royal purple octopus. He- it was a he- had contorted his body into a canopy and a center of this carousel. I saw him and he saw that I had seen him and we said hello telepathically (?). As soon as the greeting was made one of his massive arms unfurled and landed at my feet. It was an invitation to climb aboard.

So I did. I took a few steps up the ramp made of this massive octopus arm and suddenly the arm curled up from behind me and scooped me into rotation with the octopus-carousel. I was being flung around the circle of the carousel. I was now getting very good looks st the red and white suspended spirals.

I said show me more.

And the carousel stopped and deposited me back on the ground but on the opposite side from where I got on. I was standing on a rock floor about fifteen feet from the edge of a cliff. A red children’s plastic art easel flew into view from a distance away, from over the abyss and now sat in front of me. The easel have this bizarre drawing of a funnel with all of these tiny balls drawn, filling the funnel. I could see each. And every one of these balls yet I knew, somehow, that there were millions and millions of these balls in the funnel. Every so often a ball would flash, a brief twinkle. And while they were sort of settling, shifting lower into the funnel, only one ever fell out of the bottom of this funnel.

I said show me more.

And the response was terrifyingly loud. The voice said “YOU!”

I too have more, but I would like to see some other accounts before I turn this into a tread dominated by my anecdotes.
#4 Posted : 8/23/2019 5:51:28 AM

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My first of what really felt like a breakthrough, where I shot straight through the tunnel. Floating above an endless circuit-board-like city, only more colorful. Before and above me stretched out infinite buddhas to the left and right. The center one, holding an object I had seen in a previous trip- a cube-device. It felt like this was the place I needed to bring myself to any time I needed peace, and a sense of understanding the nature of the universe.
#5 Posted : 8/23/2019 9:27:47 AM

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Loverofallthings wrote:
The easel have this bizarre drawing of a funnel with all of these tiny balls drawn, filling the funnel. I could see each. And every one of these balls yet I knew, somehow, that there were millions and millions of these balls in the funnel. Every so often a ball would flash, a brief twinkle. And while they were sort of settling, shifting lower into the funnel, only one ever fell out of the bottom of this funnel.

I have had similar vision of the funnel, where one white geometric-plastic alien was holding the funnel and the substance flowing in and out had distinctively different look-and-feel than plastic/smooth surfaces which the place was built of.
Each "ball" was sparkly dot with untraceable colours, it looked like everchanging and stream coming ouf of the funnel was dissapearing into small black circle, of such blackness that was absolutely black but at the same time inviting. I knew I wanted to go through the black circle and think the message was "smoalk more".
#6 Posted : 9/13/2019 7:15:09 AM

Ontological Philosopher

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My most memorable experience was my first travel.
I went through the portal and entered into a white fractaly energy dimension with a feminine anthropomorphic entity that touched me and showed me un imaginable dimensions and geometry, and showed
me what happens to us as humans when we die. Essentially forgetting whatever life we have here and our consciousness transcends upon death. Ive only smoked 6 times and i havent been in well over a year.
Learning is the paramount delectation, and tribulation in life.
#7 Posted : 9/13/2019 12:50:58 PM

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I'll throw in a section of a changa report I wrote, it still stands out to me as an incredible example of just how powerfully DMT can make you think, how deep it can take you.

I lay back, and close my eyes I was greeted by a different entity. This one looming over me, Native American in appearance, though I could see no face, just a plethora of feathers and beads hanging off of it. It told me I needed to eat peyote. Visually it was as if the entity was spitting a stream of peyote buttons at me.

At this point I'll back up a little bit, this was very strange to me because much earlier in the day the Mrs and I were invited to a future peyote ceramony, held by a group the friend inviting us is a part of. I, at the time, declined, I didn't (don't really know if this feeling has changed, but I'm letting it) feel... Worthy?.. of consuming peyote, it was a sacrament meant for someone else... Idk... It's also why I'm so interested in the Tric cacti... But my point being that I declined, explaining my position, I had a convos with the Mrs about it, and put it completely out of my mind.

That is until this entity greeted me. I was surprised it came to my attention, again I had not thought about the interaction with my friend all day.

After the entity finished talking with me, a third presence was felt. One very warm and gently, motherly in a way. I didn't see an entity this time, just felt it (the native American was still looking over my vision) the motherly entity filled me with a reassurance that everything was going to be okay, but I was going to love and hate at the same time what was going to happen next.

A hand emerged from behind the feathers of the Native, a hand I recognized. It was my grandmother's hand, I grasped it, feeling her energy. At this point uncontrollable emotion welled up inside me, I became angry with DMT for presenting her to me in such a strange way and I started to cry. At this point the ether within the Native relaxed, allowing me to pull my grandmother from the it, fully revealing her.

There were no words, I embraced her, and felt her love, something I have missed dearly since she left this world. I was filled with information about her... Not her physical self, but the only way I can describe it was I was filled with her love, pure unequivocal love. I had the realization that this love, was always a connection to this realm. I was given the thought that this love never dies, it never leaves.

As I basked in this embrace, my mind turned to who would impact my children (born and yet to be created) this deeply. My mind turned to my mother, who has adopted the name we all had for my grandma "Meme" for my son. I began to weep again as my mind turned to how ill my mother is... Can be, not necessarily physically .. but spiritually. She has been seriously depressed for a long time, revolving the death of her mom, my Meme.

The full read can be found here

This kind of the second part to this trip haha
#8 Posted : 10/2/2019 10:44:03 AM

I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..

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With Changa.... Strooong Changa.. 200mg (70-80mg DMT, around 50mg Harmala and some leaves)

When inhaled first thought: Its interesting that the lungs even can hold all this smoke.
Second thought: This is not a good idea.

When I blew out the smoke after some 20 seconds with then full volume of the music in the room, the music collapsed into a single high pitched sound that got to strong for my brain and the whole brain was screaming in terror. I fumbled after the control to lower the music but it was to late.

I lost body awareness completly and even breath and heartbeat. I or whatever was left of me was now somewhere with a being. He looked at me and the pointed to an item in the middle of the space which was my head with face and everything. Except that the top of the head was cut in half and was put beside. After that the being started with his hand to re-arrange things inside my head and I could just sit beside and stare! The focus at this point was failing totally cuz the only concern was to get back get back get back get back! haha.. The song was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HifoP5zhG0g if anyone wants to tryPleased

After all this I regained sense of my body and even that I still was in full "mode" I was so shocked so I stumbled down to the beach and just laid there in shock! haha beautifulSmile
"Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
#9 Posted : 10/2/2019 9:41:35 PM

amazing marbles in my mouth

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I love reading about everyone's experiences.

DMT dose was strong I dont recall the exact dose.

My first breakthrough was certainly one of the most memorable. I had been dealing with some unresolved feelings over the sudden unexpected death of the woman I loved the most in this world. I had become deeply depressed. It had been a few years since she had passed. We had been together over 8 years and I helped raise her kids. But I had a deep sense of guilt over not being able to tell her a few things before she was gone. She died right when we were to discuss some heavy stuff.

In my trip I was catapulted through a mandala tunnel up and through this membrane and into a very whimsical place where all these beings were dancing and some were spinning plates and juggling etc. One being looked at me as he juggled endless spinning plates and asked me if I liked games. I replied I did and suddenly one plate was different than the rest and I had to specifically sort of catch it with my eye and then I was suddenly transported to this room where everyone I love alive or dead was dancing. It was like a party. The person who had died recently approached me holding balloons and handed them to me and said " Just let go " suddenly the floor disappeared and everyone fell down into this sort of cushion laughing. Then it was as if I was in a hug with everyone from my life that I loved, and I felt a deep sense of connection. From this trip I realized the guilt I was holding on I couldnt get rid of because I never told anyone. Since then I opened up to a dear friend and realized many things about this guilt that helped me overcome the loss.

On the way out of my trip this being grabbed me & told me a seriously funny one line joke then threw me into hyperspace and when I came out I was both crying tears of joy and relief while laughing hysterically.

#10 Posted : 10/24/2019 10:59:07 PM

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This time, for sure. Along with 2 times relatively close afterward in which the same angelic energy presented itself to me, eyes open, and compelled songs to flow forth from me. Almost as if they were being gently pulled out of me so I could match the vibration of the light this being was emitting.
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